Chapter 23: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet

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As the day waned, everyone started to gather their things. Y/N knew that her belongings were still next to the couch, and she didn't really have anything to reassemble.

She sat on Mary's bed as Mary tried to pack.

"I don't want to go home and work and do boring, normal things!" Mary proclaimed. "Why can't we always be on vacation?"

"Because only spoiled trust fund kids on reality shows get to do that. Finish packing," Y/N replied. She also didn't really want to leave, but she had accepted that the surreal bubble of vacation was coming to an end. She really wanted to talk to Mary before they left, and now seemed as good a time as any.

"Mary, why are all of your things scattered all over everywhere?"

"I like to make myself at home! It makes it a bitch to pack though," Mary said. They both laughed.

"This was really fun, I'm glad everyone could come." Mary snatched her swimsuit from the door where it was hung to dry. "I never really anticipated that it would go this well."

"Yeah, I had a really great time," Y/N said as Mary tossed a t-shirt into her suitcase.

"I hope Chris didn't ruin your vacation too much."

"Honestly, he wasn't so bad." Y/N took a deep breath. "I think we finally started to see eye to eye."

"You're too good," Mary sighed and paused hurling clothing into her bag. "I knew you'd be good for him, really." Y/N smiled. "I'm just not convinced he's so good for you."

Y/N's smile faltered. "Why? You hyped him up so much, I just don't get why you one-eighty-ed on him so fast." She hoped that Mary would be accepting of whatever was going on between her and Chris, but every conversation felt more hopeless.

"I think I was more focused on what you could do for him, rather than what he could do for you. I really want him to be better, to act better, but he never lives up to my expectations." Mary let out a huff. "I'm sorry. I think I raised your expectations of him too high."

This was it. They were alone, they were talking about Chris, it was perfect. Y/N steadied herself with a breath.

"I really think-"

"You got everything, Mary?" Joe interrupted.

Y/N let out a huff. So much for that. Y/N figured that telling Mary with Joe around would be acceptable, but she still felt like the moment was spoiled.

"Yep! All ready to leave in the morning." Mary smiled at Joe, who smiled back. He left as quickly as he had entered.

"What were you saying, Y/N?" Mary asked, resuming their conversation. She bent to check underneath the bed for errant articles of clothing. She didn't appear to find any and rose empty handed.

"Oh. I was just going to say that Chris-"

"We're going to roast weenies!" Daisy barged in. "Tom has hotdogs we can roast over the fire in the back, so tonight we're having hotdogs."

"Okay," Y/N said, annoyance creeping into her voice. She was anxious to talk to Mary.

"We'll be out in a sec!" Mary said, shooing Daisy off. Mary's suitcase was now piled high with clothing - why had she brought so much? - but the room was clear. She tried to close the bag, failed, and resorted to sitting on the top. Mary wiggled the zipper in a failed attempt to close her suitcase, and Y/N figured she should just wait until her friend was finished. She wanted Mary's undivided attention. Mary pulled as hard as she could on the zipper and, surprisingly, managed to zip it closed. She let out a huff of exertion, then turned to Y/N.

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