Chapter 12: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger

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Y/N shooed Mickey and Edward out of her room after that. She wanted to be alone for a bit. Her thoughts were so muddled, and she needed to find a way to sort them out. But try as she did, nothing seemed to help. She gave up.

Inevitably, she would have to leave the room, for food or clothes or whatever, so she decided it was as good a time as any to emerge. She walked out of the room for a cup of coffee.

When she did, she saw Daisy sitting at the table with her own cup of coffee, alone.

"Hey," Daisy said curtly.

Y/N was thrown by how short Daisy was being, but she figured it was early. Maybe Daisy wasn't a morning person either.


Y/N made a coffee as well and tried to shake the weird pining mood she was in. A quick glance confirmed that Chris was still asleep on the couch.

She joined Daisy at the table. They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments.

"So, um. Did you sleep okay?" Y/N asked. The quiet was grating.

"Yep, all good." Daisy shut her down quickly. She wasn't even looking at Y/N. Her body was turned and looking outside. Daisy looked tense, not tired. Y/N wasn't sure why she would be so wound up this early in the morning. But something inside of Y/N said that Daisy didn't look to be in a talkative mode.

Y/N thought that she was making headway with Daisy. The two had seemed to be moving towards friendship, so she wasn't sure why Daisy was acting like this. She wasn't sure if Daisy was just in some sort of mood, or if Y/N had done something specifically to get on her nerves.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that she had come out of what was supposedly Chris' room. Did Daisy think that she had slept with Chris? Not that she hadn't, but the night before was completely innocent. She felt an inexplicable urge to defend herself.

"So Chris gave me his bed last night. Weird, huh?"

The awkward tension refused to abate.

"Probably thought if he was nice that you'd spread your legs faster," Daisy said bitterly.

Y/N was floored. She had similar thoughts about Chris, but the way Daisy had said it felt accusatory. Like Y/N would fall for something that simple.


Daisy continued to sip on her coffee and largely ignore Y/N. Something was definitely off, but she didn't really know Daisy well enough to say what exactly that was. Something niggled at her that Daisy was a smart woman, and maybe she hadn't been doing the best job keeping the whole Chris thing a secret. Y/N's face turned pensive, and the guilt that hadn't left her all night grew.

Did Daisy know? Mickey had noticed they'd been gone a long time, and she was sure the others had too. Who was she fooling, thinking this could stay hidden? She felt silly for trying.

Daisy turned to Y/N, with a hard look on her face. Y/N braced herself for the worst.

But then Daisy's face softened.

"I'm sorry, that was mean."

"I guess no offense taken." Y/N took a sip of her own coffee. Maybe it was her anger at Chris bleeding over again, or maybe Daisy really just wasn't a morning person.

Suddenly, Y/N heard Daisy sniffle. She saw that Daisy was holding back tears.

"Tom and I had a fight," Daisy confessed. She looked distraught. "And I'm being mean. Sorry."

Y/N couldn't fault her too much. She understood. Whenever she had fought with Austin - which was most of the time, in retrospect - she lashed out. It was never anyone else's fault, but having someone to put the hurt on made Y/N feel better.

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