Chapter 25: Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones

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Fortunately, the hotel where Mickey and Edward were staying wasn't too far from Y/N's apartment. She was only 15 minutes late. Gotta love the NYC subways.

Y/N walked into the lobby and saw Mickey scrolling on his phone in the little seating area. She walked closer, and he looked up. Recognition flashed across his face, and he sprung from the chair. He closed the short distance between them and enveloped Y/N in a strong hug. Taken aback, Y/N loosely wrapped her arms around him as well.

"It's so good to see you!" Mickey squealed in her ear. "How have you been?"

Y/N was caught off guard by the enthusiasm. "Um, I've been alright. It's good to see you too. How are things?"

"Good, really good." Mickey replied as he released her from his tight grip. "Do you want to get dinner?"

Y/N just nodded. Mickey grabbed her hand and led her to the lobby restaurant. It wasn't crowded, and they were seated immediately. Y/N took a second to try to reorient herself to her situation. She didn't necessarily think Mickey would be upset per se, but she wasn't really expecting such a warm welcome.

"So what have you been up to?" Mickey asked once they were settled.

"I'm back in school to get my masters actually. Been busy."

"Oh wow! Good for you. I'm happy for you." Mickey beamed.

The server walked over to take their drink orders. Y/N asked for a pinot grigio. Mickey asked for a water.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Mickey as the server left.

"Yeah," Mickey started. "I've cut back on the drinking. I'm not... well, you know. You saw how I was. I needed a break."

"Good for you, Mickey." Y/N didn't know Mickey well enough to truly know if he had a problem, but he definitely seemed more mellow when he wasn't drinking.

"Speaking of which, I need to apologize to you. I'm so sorry I drunkenly exposed you like that, especially after it was my idea to keep it a secret. I shouldn't have done that, and it was really shitty of me to tell you to hide it from everyone and then blurt it out while I was wasted. I hope you can forgive me."

Y/N was once again caught off guard. It was Mickey's serious tone that startled her. He had apologized that night, but that felt like Mickey was apologizing because everyone was upset. This time, he seemed clear and present, and it felt like he was trying to take accountability for his behavior. And while she had been frustrated with Mickey for his part in everything, Y/N never really needed an apology from him. She had spent the last few months beating herself up over it, not blaming Mickey.

"I said it that night, and I'll say it again, Mickey," Y/N responded. "It's not really your fault. I'm not upset with you, really. The truth always comes out. I should have said something to Mary earlier."

"Even still, I'm sorry about it." Mickey sighed. "Honestly, Edward was furious with me. We fought about it for weeks after. He told me I needed to treat people better, that I had fucked you over royally. He was right."

The conversation paused as the server came back with their drinks. The two placed their orders, and the server walked away again.

"We were in a rocky spot for a while, actually," Mickey confessed. "He said that he felt like he couldn't trust me, which hurt. I mean, I understand where he was coming from, I wasn't behaving in a trustworthy manner. But it still hurt, you know?" Mickey's eyes took on a wistful cast.

This earnest self-awareness was not what she remembered about Mickey. It had been there in flashes, but mostly Y/N remembered him as more of the guy you turned to for a wild time. On top of that, she was touched that Edward would go to bat for her like that. She still felt off-balance, like there was a lot she didn't really understand about any of them. Y/N started to think about who else might have hidden depths, but she smothered the thought before it had the chance to fully form.

"Are you guys okay now?" Y/N asked after a moment.

"Oh for sure, all good now. But yeah, I'm a messy drunk. So," Mickey gestured with his water.

"I'm glad things are alright then." Y/N smiled. "Speaking of, where is Edward?"

"Mary actually enlisted him to help with some party stuff. He has a good eye for things."

"Oh." Y/N was glad the server chose that moment to reappear with their food. They ate in silence for a few moments.

"You know, things have blown over with everyone. No one really mentions it." Mickey stuck a french fry in his mouth. "And Mary misses you."

"I doubt that, Mickey." Y/N suddenly didn't have much of an appetite.

"No, it's true." He stared at Y/N intently. "I think you should come tomorrow night."


"I mean it. Come to Mary's birthday party. You can be my plus one. Or plus two, but I think Edward is invited regardless of if I bring him." Mickey grinned.

"I don't know, Mickey. She hasn't texted me or called me in months, I don't think it'd be fair to just show up at her birthday party."

"Bah! You know how stubborn she is. Just come. If it's terrible, you can leave." Mickey reached across the table to clasp her hand. "At least try?"

Y/N took in a big breath and released it. "I guess it wouldn't hurt too much."

"Yay!" Mickey let go of her and clapped his hands together with glee. "It'll be great, I promise!"

"If you say so..."

"Also, Chris will be there. So, you know. Incentive." Mickey waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Y/N felt nauseated. She had spent months not thinking about Chris. She focused on what was important - Mary, her best friend - and had shoved every thought of Chris out of her head. Every time she thought about their falling out, she just thought of it as 'the cabin trip.' Thinking of Chris was too dangerous. Now that Mickey had said his name, it felt like Pandora's box had been ripped open.

She absolutely did not want to see Chris.

"No." Y/N stated.

"'No' what?"

"No, I can't go. I can't see him." Y/N started out strong, but finished in a whisper.

"It won't be that bad. Knowing how he's been, he'll show up late and half drunk already. It'll be fine." Mickey's eyes had a pleading look to them. "I really just want to make this right between you and Mary. Maybe it's selfish, but I'm the reason you two aren't speaking."

"I already said, it's not your fault. It's mine for not being honest with her." Y/N sighed.

"Either way, I feel responsible. Let me do this, okay? I'll keep a lookout for Chris, and we'll smuggle you out before he even gets there." Mickey was practically begging.

Y/N relented. "Fine. As long as I don't have to see Chris."

"Done and done!" Mickey's face broke into a smile. "I'm so excited. This is going to be great!"

"Whatever you say, Mickey."

Y/N wanted to believe him, she really did. Mickey's positivity was almost infectious.


Part of her imagined that she and Mary would reconcile perfectly. Most of her remembered how easily Mary held a grudge.

Y/N wasn't optimistic.

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