Chapter 2: Steven Hyde and Jackie Burkhart

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When Mary said her cousin was coming, she definitely did not mention her cousin was shaped like a triangle and looked like a Greek god. His dark hair was swept away from his face, and his beard had small snowflakes still trapped in it.

Mary made introductions. "Chris, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my cousin, Chris."

Not mentioning he's hot must have been an oversight , she thought to herself. Chris - a virtual deity among mortals - nodded at her.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a toothy grin. He had take-out bags in his hands. Chinese food, by the smell.

Seeing that stupid grin, Y/N felt her knees go a little weak. Y/N's priorities for this trip shifted from "avoid mom and Geoff" to "learn more about Chris." It had been a while, but surely she could remember how to talk to a man? She'd been tied up in Austin for so long that she couldn't remember the last time she earnestly chatted up a guy. Not to mention all of the times she just avoided talking to men in general to avoid sending Austin into fits of jealousy. This seemed low stakes enough, a good way to ease herself back into things. She didn't presume to think someone that looked like Chris would truly pay her any mind. It could be good practice for when she decided she was done being single.

Daisy sauntered up next to Chris, breaking Y/N out of her stupor.

"You are such a gentleman for going out in that to go get the food! Maybe we can go in the hot tub later?" Daisy lilted. Her voice was too high to be natural, and it felt to Y/N like a weird come-on. She tossed her long, brown hair over one shoulder and looked at Chris through her lashes.

If Daisy's body language didn't scream 'flirtatious,' her outfit certainly did. It said 'lodge bunny' not 'isolated cabin in the woods.' Each article of clothing clung to Daisy's lithe frame in a way that suggested she wasn't too worried about how the ensemble would hold up to the elements. She moved a little too close to Chris, making it impossible for Y/N to decipher their relationship. Y/N had been under the impression that Daisy and Tom were a couple, but she could have been wrong about that.

And honestly, she didn't care. If there was anything to come out of this trip, at least it'd be some eye candy. Y/N could use some of that right now. Her break up had left her a little fragile, closed-off and pessimistic on just about all things love. Maybe having someone cute around could raise her spirits? Chris seemed to be doing just that, the red in Y/N's cheeks deepening as she got a good look at him.

"Maybe," Chris replied. Daisy looked pleased with herself and pranced away. Y/N felt a hot breath on her shoulder as Chris then mumbled, "Maybe when hell freezes over." Y/N got goosebumps and just prayed it was because of the cold wafting in.

So not a couple , she thought. Noted .

It seemed like her initial impressions of the couples within the group were correct. Mary and Joe obviously were together. Based on Mary's texts, Mickey and Edward were sharing a room. The way Edward had draped his arm around Mickey left little room for doubt that they were also a couple. Daisy and Tom could just be friends, and Daisy could be crushing massively on Chris. But the way Daisy plopped into Tom's lap, and the way Tom grabbed her by the waist, was distinctly non-platonic.

Leaving only Y/N solo on this trip. And Chris.

Y/N shook herself out of her thoughts again and went to take a seat next to Mary at the table. Despite the awkwardness to start, she was glad she might be able to spend some time with her best friend. Work and life made it so hard to see each other with ever-changing schedules. On top of not wanting to hang out with her mom and Geoff , this was as good an excuse as any for Y/N to sneak up and see Mary.

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