Chapter 7: Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky

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Y/N started.

"I really do. I hate him so much," Daisy repeated.

Y/N didn't think Daisy was going to be this frank with her. But then again, wine did things like that.

"Every time we all get together, I decide I'm going to be nice to him. But after 20 minutes, I just remember that I hate his guts. I'm sorry, I know Mary is your best friend, and that's her cousin. But I can't help it. He's awful." Daisy sipped her wine.

"Mary told me that you two have... history," Y/N said carefully. "You don't have to repeat it if you don't want to."

With Chris, she didn't want to hear his side because she didn't want to hear the complicated, emotional, messy version of the story. With Daisy, Y/N just really did not want to upset her.

"You should stay away from him. I'm serious. He's not good with feelings. He hurts anyone that gets close to him." Daisy took another sip. When had she finished her second glass? And when had Y/N finished hers?

Daisy leaned over and grabbed the bottle again. She poured more for Y/N, then more for herself, and that was the last of the wine. She placed the empty bottle back on the table.

Daisy drank her last glass quickly and placed it on the table too.

"I don't know why I get like this around him. He really brings out the worst in me."

"I noticed," Y/N stated. The wine was making her feel brave. "Is that you were glaring at me on the lift? And when we got off the lift. I just wanted to know why, because I don't think I've done anything to you."

"I'm sorry. That was petty of me. I didn't mean to glare at you. He pisses me off. I think it sort of just ... bled over? That isn't fair to you, Y/N. You didn't do anything." Daisy trailed off. "I hope we can put this behind us, and be friends, maybe?"

Y/N didn't expect this, which was probably unkind of her. She had thought Daisy was being stereotypical, placing blame for Chris' misdeeds on whoever he was interested in at the time. Y/N felt bad for thinking that way.

"Yeah. I think we can be friends."

The two chatted for a little while longer about Mary - the one thing they had in common - while Y/N finished her wine.

"I didn't expect Mary to be so sloppy!" Daisy exclaimed after Y/N told her about a particularly raucous college night.

"She wasn't usually. I think finding out she passed her toughest class made her go a little overboard." The women laughed. "I think I'm going to head in now, Daisy. I'm glad we sorted all of this out."

"Me too."

Y/N got to her feet, and noticed that she was more unsteady than she thought she'd be. She climbed out of the hot tub, wrapped herself in a towel, and made her way back inside. Daisy followed and waved at her before she made her way back into the room she shared with Tom.

Y/N collapsed onto the couch, still in her swimsuit. She could usually hold her alcohol fairly well. She figured the combination of red wine and the heat was what had done her in.

I will sit for 5 minutes, and then I'll put on my pajamas, she resolved to herself. The minutes ticked by in silence. She got up with great effort, grabbed her pjs, and made her way into the bathroom.

She had to steady herself on the sink for a second, but she managed to change with minimal difficulty. Nothing complicated, just a t-shirt and shorts, but it took her longer than she would have liked to admit. Once finished, she returned to the main room of the cabin and tossed the wet swimsuit over near the rest of her things. She'd deal with it tomorrow.

She heard something coming from the kitchen. I was going to get a snack, she considered. Perfect excuse to snoop. Her thoughts were getting more and more ridiculous - was she really so tipsy? Why would she need to snoop in a common area? She didn't know, but she was still going to do it.

She crept - why was she creeping? - into the kitchen.

"Ugh!" Y/N audibly groaned. "Boring."

Chris looked up from the refrigerator. "What?"

Y/N could see he was putting back one of the beers he had brought inside. She wasn't sure how many that meant he'd drank.

"I heard a noise, and I thought something interesting was going on in here," Y/N stated. "But it's just you."

"Just me?" Chris replied. "I feel like that was rude. And after how nice I've been to you." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, and leaned back. Y/N saw that he had misjudged the distance to the counter a little bit, and the motion wasn't as smooth as it could have been.

Probably at least a few beers, Y/N noted. "You've been nice to me?"

"I offered to distract you on the lift when it got stuck-" had he noticed how uncomfortable she was? "-and I told you how smart my cousin thinks you are-" that was more Mary being nice, but okay "-and I offered to share my bed so you wouldn't have to sleep on the couch!"

Chris' eyes were a bit too bright. Was that from the beers, or was he that fired up?

"Whatever, guess that's what I get for trying." Chris turned to leave the room.

"Wait." He paused. "I'm sorry if I was rude. Thank you for distracting me on the lift."

"And?" The smirk returned.

"Well, you telling me how smart Mary thinks I am is not you being nice. If anything, that's Mary being nice, don't you think?" Y/N leaned against the table and crossed her arms. Two could play at that.

"Damn, I guess you're right," he conceded. "I did offer you my bed though."

"No, you offered to share your bed. That's a different thing."

"I've slept on that couch, my offer was more than generous." He took a step toward her, and his voice dropped low. "It also still stands."

This was the moment. She could turn him down, make it clear that this was not going to happen. She could go back to her couch, and try to get some sleep. She'd wake up with her back ruined and probably a bit of a hangover.

Or... she could go with Chris. She could sleep on a real bed. She could sleep with Chris, in his bed. Daisy told her not to trust him, that he'd play with her feelings. But Y/N didn't trust him, so that kept her safe from being hurt.


There was a long pause.

Fuck it.

"Alright, Chris. Lead the way," Y/N said, gesturing towards Chris' room.

The look of surprise on his face changed quickly into one of triumph.

"Ladies first."

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