Chapter 26: Zeus and Hera

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Y/N spent all of the next day with her guts tied up in knots. She kept going back and forth on whether or not it was a good idea to show up at Mary's birthday. She almost texted Mickey 4 times to say that she actually wasn't going to go. Ultimately, she decided to risk it.

She changed into about 13 different outfits while getting ready. She didn't want to turn up underdressed or overdressed. Y/N knew it really didn't matter - Mary never got preoccupied with things like that - but she wasn't happy with anything. As it neared time to leave, she decided what she was wearing would have to do. Y/N made her way out of the apartment.

The party was at one of their favorite bars. Y/N could remember many a drunken night in that exact spot. She and Mary had a lot of fun memories there. Her heart ached a bit at the thought that those days might be over forever.

>I'm here

Y/N texted Mickey when she was outside. She really didn't want to walk in by herself. Mickey charged out of the bar a moment later.

"Hey!" he shouted delightedly. "I'm so glad you're here. Mary is going to be so excited to see you, I just know it!"

"Mickey... Does Mary not know I'm here...?"

"It's a surprise! C'mon!" Mickey dragged Y/N by the arm into the bar.

Y/N was nervous enough showing up to Mary's birthday uninvited. She was worried about seeing her friend after months of silence and having it be excruciatingly awkward. Now knowing that Mary didn't even know she was coming... Y/N's guts clenched and unclenched uneasily.

Y/N clung to Mickey's elbow like a lifeline. As they walked in, she almost didn't want to let it go. The irrational part of her mind thought that if she was with Mickey, she was safe. Nothing bad could happen as long as she was holding onto Mickey's arm. It wasn't true, but it helped settle her as they walked into the party room. She noticed Mickey seemed to pick up on her nervousness, and he appeared to be scanning the room furtively.

The first person she saw was Edward.

"You really came, I wasn't sure you would." Edward gave her a hug. "Mickey's convinced this is all going to work out, but he's overall much less of a pessimist than I am. You ready for this?"

Y/N just nodded. "Mickey." His eyes stopped scanning the room. She wished he would stop; he was making her more nervous. "Could you go tell Mary I'm here? I don't want her to just see me and wonder why I'm here. Tell her you invited me."

"I can do that, I think I owe you that at least." Mickey smiled sheepishly and walked away.

Y/N turned back to Edward. "Mickey said you guys weren't doing great for a bit, you guys are alright?"

Edward looked startled, but his face quickly returned to its usual neutral, blasé state. "Yeah, we're okay. I wasn't happy with how everything went down at the cabin."

"He said. Honestly, I didn't expect it to affect you that much. Thanks for sticking up for me?" She wasn't sure that quite covered it, but Edward nodded.

"I love him, I really do, but that wasn't okay. It's all sorted out now though."

"I'm glad," Y/N said. She shifted nervously on her feet as she waited for Mickey to return. She saw him talking to Mary, saw Mary freeze, and saw Mary look her way. The two women made eye contact and held it. Then, unexpectedly, Mary rushed towards Y/N.

For a second, Y/N's body flooded with panic. She's mad I'm here she's going to yell at me she wants me to leave oh my god why am I here this was so stupid-

Then Y/N found herself inside of the tightest hug she had ever experienced. After a second, she hugged Mary back.

"I missed you so much," Mary confessed. Y/N could hear the tears in her voice. Mary pulled away to look Y/N in the eye. "I'm sorry."

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