Chapter 18: Ross Geller and Rachel Greene

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Daisy ended up driving Y/N and Mary over to the ice skating rink.

"I've had enough of the boys," she said, shooing the men into Joe's truck. "Off you go!"

"I've never ice skated before," Y/N confessed as they got into Daisy's car.

"Never?" Daisy asked.

"Nope. I've roller-skated, but I don't know if that's the same."

"It's kind of the same," Mary opined. "But when you fall on ice, it doesn't hurt as much because it's cold." All three laughed.

"Are we going to do this all day? Or do we have later plans? I feel like I missed everything while I was getting ready."

"We're going to stay for a while at least. We'll definitely be home by dinner, but we don't really have any other plans for today," Mary stated. Y/N nodded.

They talked about this and that for the rest of the short drive, and they ultimately beat the men to the rink. They went over to the rental shop and got skates. The men arrived as they were lacing them up.

"Let's skate!" Chris shouted, pumping his fist in the air. Daisy and Mary both looked at Y/N and rolled their eyes.

Y/N stood and felt immediately shaky. Her arms windmilled. Mary was fortunately close enough to catch her.

"You're okay!" Mary laughed. "My aunt was a semi-professional figure skater when she was younger, so she taught us how to balance on ice skates. Just hold my hand."

Y/N leaned on Mary heavily as they walked to the ice. Was it weird not to tell Mary that she already knew about her aunt? Because Chris had mentioned it during pillow talk?

They made it over to the edge of the rink after a few minutes. Y/N noticed that everyone else in their group was already skating along the ice without a care in the world. Why are these people so good at winter sports? she thought to herself.

Mary helped her ease onto the ice. Y/N gripped the wall for dear life, but Mary didn't make fun of her. She just glided alongside Y/N, no matter how slowly that meant the two of them went. Mary offered words of encouragement with each go round.

After a couple of laps, Y/N felt confident enough to let go of the wall.

"Just skate to me!" Mary called. She was a few yards away from where Y/N was trying her best to balance on her own. She nervously pushed herself forward and skidded over to Mary's open arms.

Mary caught her and slowed her down. "You did it!" Mary was absolutely beaming at her friend's minor accomplishment. Y/N beamed back.

"Can you hold my hand?" Y/N asked. Mary nodded.

The two moved around the rink in fits and starts. Y/N didn't fall a single time, but that was mostly due to Mary's excellent balance. Whenever she would tip over, Mary was there to pull her back upright. Y/N was surprised she didn't take Mary down with her. Her aunt must have really taught her well.

Everyone else was skating laps around Mary and Y/N. At some point, Joe peeled away from the boys to check on the two of them. When he was satisfied that they were okay, he skated off again.

Mickey and Edward were casually holding hands as they skated. Every once in a while, Y/N saw Daisy and Tom race around the rink to see who was faster. Chris was obviously showing off, doing small spins and skating backwards. Y/N was jealous of their ease on the ice.

"Okay, I think I'm good," Y/N said to Mary. "You can join everyone else, I can balance on my own."

"Are you sure?" Mary asked as she pulled away. Y/N stayed upright.

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