Chapter 31: Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall

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Chris' bedroom was definitely different from the rest of the apartment. It felt much more lived in; Y/N could tell he spent most of his time here. There was a well-worn copy of Siddhartha on the nightstand; the spine was cracked and it was face down as if the reader had been interrupted. Photos of smiling friends and family littered the dresser and walls. A Red Socks cap sat perched on the corner of a mirror. Little bits and bobs that hinted at who lived here. The walls were navy blue, and there were heavy curtains on the windows to block out the perpetual city lights from outside. The furniture was made of a dark wood that contrasted the light tones of the floor, and his bedspread matched the color of the walls. There was a bench at the foot of the bed; both sat on a comfortable charcoal grey rug. It still wasn't quite what she envisioned, but this felt closer to who Chris was to Y/N. The main room was for others - this room was for Chris.

Now that she was here, a small, mistrustful voice in her head whispered, This is too close, too intimate, you have to leave, last chance to run. She shoved it aside. She was where she wanted to be.

Before she had any more opportunity to overthink it, Chris grabbed her by the shoulders. He moved with such tenderness that Y/N's chest ached. He guided her to the bench, and gently sat her down on it. He knelt in front of her.

Chris looked up at her from his position on the floor. The expression on his face was devious.

"I have been imagining you in my room for months," he stated, his tone falsely casual. "And now that you're here, I have to figure out what I want to do with you. You see," the mischievous cast of his features only deepened, "I've imagined fucking you on every surface of this room, in every position imaginable. So many choices, you know?"

Chris placed his hand on the middle of her thigh, and Y/N squirmed. He gripped her leg, not hard, but she got the message. Y/N tried to sit as still as she could while she felt like her insides were roiling.

"I think before anything else, I have to check something." Chris' fingers drummed against the outside of her thigh, and Y/N gripped the edge of the bench like it was the last thing keeping her tethered to the world. "I've also been replaying those times we had at the cabin. Good times there right?" His smirk was diabolical. "And I've been thinking about that first time, not the first first time, but the first proper time I fucked you. What I need to check is if my memory of the way you taste is right. You don't mind if I check, right?"

Y/N couldn't process anything he was saying. She was ablaze, and his words turned to cinders before they reached her ears. The only thing she could sense was his hand on her leg, and the way his eyes completely transfixed her. His gaze was blistering.

"Y/N," Chris said sternly. "Are you alright?"

She could only dumbly nod. Her mouth was entirely dry. "Yes," she mumbled.

"Okay." Chris released a breath Y/N hadn't noticed he'd been holding. "Can I take these off?" He traced the edge of her underwear. She just nodded again.

Chris hooked his fingers underneath the waistband and slid them down her body. Y/N lifted her hips to help him, and then raised her feet off the floor. They fell with a whisper of fabric.

Chris spread her legs and placed a kiss on the inside of her knee. Y/N gasped and spread her legs further. She hoped he'd get the hint. Chris just chuckled.

"I've been waiting for this for months, Y/N. Surely you can wait a few minutes." He placed a kiss slightly higher up her thigh, but still too far from where Y/N wanted his mouth.

Chris hooked her legs over his shoulders and tugged her body closer to him. She fell back, her upper body resting on the foot of his bed. Chris placed a kiss on the inside of her other knee.

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