Chapter 27: Jacob Black and Bella Swan

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Y/N woke up feeling hungover. Her head was pounding, her eyes were glued shut, and she felt like she should just stay in bed forever.

I didn't even drink, she thought. This isn't fair.

After she got home from the party, she took off the outfit she had so fretfully put together only hours before. She got in the shower and scrubbed her tear-stained face. Y/N numbly stood underneath the hot spray until the water cooled. She tugged on pajamas, avoided Alicia, and got underneath her covers.

She cried for what might have been hours. She almost didn't even know what she was crying for anymore. She cried at the relief of having her best friend back. She cried again at losing Mary in the first place. She cried at the hollowness she felt staring into Chris' vacant eyes. She cried at Mickey betraying her trust once again. She cried because she felt lost, hurt, angry, sad, happy, exhausted. She just cried because she felt like crying.

Y/N wasn't sure when she fell asleep. She wouldn't have been surprised if she cried all night, unconscious or not. Either way, she felt dehydrated and gross this morning.

She dug the heels of her hands into her eyes and rubbed until she saw a kaleidoscope of colors. The action was soothing, and she ended up just cradling her head in her hands for a few moments. She sat on the edge of her bed, feeling the warmth of the sun beat down on her back. It must be late.

She grabbed her phone, which said 10:03. Definitely later than she usually slept. She also saw 3 texts from Mary.

The first was from 1:17am and was a video. Y/N opened it.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii Y/N!" Mary screamed over the blaring music and noise of people. She was still at the bar. "I miss you! I wish you stayed!" Mickey popped into frame and made a silly face. Mary laughed. "I'm sending a video to Y/N!" Mickey's face immediately turned serious and the video got shaky. It focused back in on a closeup of Mickey; Y/N presumed he took Mary's phone. "I'm sorry, I fucked up. Text me when you see this, I'll make it up to you." The video shook again, and Y/N heard a high pitched "hey! That's my video!" while it seemed like Mary struggled to reclaim her phone. It refocused on Mary again. "Anyway, I love you the most and I'll see you soon. Byeeeeeeee!" The video ended.

Y/N felt a tightness in her chest. She was so happy Mary and she were back on good terms, but she wasn't ready to talk to Mickey. That would be a problem for future Y/N, she decided. Y/N opened the other two messages, both from this morning.

>Dude, I'm D E A D

That one came in at 7:41am.

>Text me when you get up, we can brunch

Which came in moments later.

>I'm sorry, I just woke up

Y/N sent.

>Do you still want to get brunch?

Y/N barely put her phone down and stretched when she heard her phone ding.

>Lazy bones! I ate but we can still hang?


>Sorry for leaving so early

>I for sure want to see you though

Y/N sent three texts in quick succession. That wasn't unusual for her and Mary, but so soon after their reconciliation, it felt a little desperate. Y/N hoped her friend didn't see it that way.

>Can we do a movie day? I need to be a vegetable

Mary sent barely 20 seconds later. It felt like they had fallen back into their old rhythm. Y/N was overjoyed.

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