Chapter 21: Connell Waldron and Marianne Sheridan

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Y/N awoke to a single strip of dawn peeking through the curtains onto the wall. She felt Chris's strong arm still draped around her and was content. She reached for her phone to see just how early in the morning it was. She hated that her body clock refused to allow her to sleep in.

She shifted slightly, not wanting to wake up Chris. He was fast asleep, lips slightly parted, breathing deep and even. She couldn't help but swoon a little at seeing him so vulnerable. Carefully, she tried to wiggle herself out of his grasp when she heard-

"So, is it your turn to sneak off to the couch?" Chris murmured without opening his eyes.

Well, there went not waking him. Y/N swept some hair away from his forehead.

"Nope. Sorry, my body clock is just broken, and I'm wide awake," Y/N answered as she sat up.

"No, lay back down in this nice warm bed with me and go back to sleep." Chris pouted, eyes still closed and reaching blindly for Y/N. She giggled at how whiny he was in the morning.

"Unfortunately, once I'm up, I'm up" Y/N explained to a still sleepy Chris.

"That sounds horrible. There is nothing you could do to get me out of this bed right now," Chris said, snuggling his pillow.

Nothing? she thought. We'll see about that.

Y/N stood up off the bed to look for her clothes from the night before. Chris had tossed most of it into a pile right next to the bed. She had an idea that might change Chris' mind.

Her eyes scanned the room until she spotted what she was looking for. Chris's flannel from yesterday, peeking out from beneath his jeans. She slipped both arms inside and gathered the unbuttoned front in her hand to hold it semi-closed.

Chris groaned, still attempting to fall back asleep. His curiosity got the better of him. "Where are you going?" Chris whined.

Y/N stood there, one hand on the door knob, the other still clutching Chris' shirt. She smirked and said, "Shower..."

Chris opened up one eye.

"Join me?"

Chris shot up out of bed and practically ran Y/N into the bathroom.

Once there, Chris turned around and locked the door. Y/N was appreciative for the extra precaution, even though she was sure no one else could be up at this ungodly hour. The two of them were alone and could probably count on that to stay the case. She looked at the shower and realized it definitely was not intended for two. Y/N had a feeling that Chris didn't intend to put that much space between them though.

Chris turned on the shower and stepped inside. Y/N let his shirt fall to the floor and joined him behind the glass doors.

Chris had set the water temperature perfectly. Y/N was grateful for the steam and hot water against her skin. But even more, she loved the attention. It was flattering. Her back was facing Chris' chest, the both of them facing the falling water. Despite the tight quarters, he hadn't taken the opportunity to do anything more than look. Y/N could feel that his gaze hadn't shifted from her body once. Then he placed a hand lightly on her hip.

But Chris just switched their positions so that he was directly under the flow of water from the shower head. He shifted slightly and slowly pulled her closer. She noticed that Chris was biting his bottom lip. Is he nervous? Y/N thought. Maybe he was just trying to be on his best behavior so no one else would hear them. His confidence had been a turn on, but this wasn't half bad either.

Y/N adjusted to let the stream of water run across her shoulders and down her chest. She reached across Chris to grab the body wash, making eye contact all the while. Chris's eyes never left hers, and she was the one that had to look away. She lathered up her arms, then her shoulders, down her breasts and stomach. She washed her body as if Chris wasn't even there.

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