Chapter 44 Part 2

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Jesse went down to the labor and delivery waiting room where Leah and Patrick were waiting on word about the baby. Abbeys colleague and close friend Dr Ryan Tenney, the man responsible for saving Jesse's life, had joined them. They all stood up the minute Jesse rounded the corner and walked in the doorway.

"So am I a godfather yet or what?" Patrick exclaimed.

"Yeah does my niece have a name?" Leah asked excitedly. "Because I still have items in a cart on etsy that are waiting to be customized so is it Olivia Grace or Ava Grace?"

Jesse just shook his head.

"Neither. We don't know yet"

Ryan could see immediately that something was wrong. Leah and Patrick were right behind him as they saw Jesse's grim expression.

"Something happened," Ryan stated.

All Jesse could do was nod. He was trying to keep his emotions in check.

"Jess? " Leah asked.

"Buddy, what's going on?" Patrick asked his best friend.

"Is it Abbey or the baby?" Ryan asked.


Leah and Patrick both went forward and grabbed Jesse, each grabbing an arm and pulling him down into a chair. Both sitting beside him. Ryan took a seat across from him.

"Jess what happened?" Leah asked her brother in law.

Patrick slapped his hand on Jesse's shoulder in support.

Jesse shook his head as he prepared to tell their story for the second time.

"Everything seemed to going fine. The baby was doing fine. Abbey was ok but she was in labor for over 12 hours ."

"That's not uncommon for first time mothers," Ryan stated and Leah nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I know. But she was getting tired and it was getting hard for her. But still everything seemed fine. They kept checking her and the baby and nothing seemed off other than a long labor. I kept telling her how good she was doing and how much I loved her...,"

Leah gently rubbed his back as Jesse was explaining, her heart breaking for her obviously traumatized brother in law.

"Then she had been pushing for a while and we thought we were getting close. After the last push she just got really tired and weak, and she just fell against me and then all the alarms started going off and I looked down and there was all this blood"

Patrick and Leah looked at him in horror.

"I kept begging her to stay with me and she was trying but she couldn't keep her eyes open."

"Was it placenta previa or placenta abruption?" Ryan asked

"The doctor said it was placenta abruption"

"So they took her in for an emergency c section?" Leah asked.

Again, all Jesse could do was nod.

"Have you heard anything?" Ryan asked.

"No nothing yet"

"Look Jesse I'm not going to bullshit you. Yeah it's bad. It could be really bad. But the best thing for them to do was to take her right into emergency surgery for a c section to deliver the baby and try to control Abbeys bleeding. But women have placenta previa, placenta abruptions all the time and they live and go on to live normal lives. " Ryan offered.

"Yeah my mom mentioned they may need to do a hysterectomy"

"They might but if it saves her life," Ryan countered.

"No, absolutely. We want more children but I don't care. I just want her to be ok. I can't lose her." Jesse finally broke down.

"Hey buddy it's going to be ok. Abbeys strong, she's going to pull through. And that kid, that's half you and half her so you know she's a fighter. " Patrick tried to remain positive.

"I've got to call Liam" Jesse announced.

"I'll do it, Jess, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it," Leah said as she stood up and walked out of the room.

Ryan leaned forward. "Jesse, let me go and see what I can find out for you, ok?"

Jesse nodded.

"Thank you"

"Sure. You just hang in there." Ryan said as he got up and left the room as well.

Patrick leaned forward and looked at Jesse. He patted his knee.

"Hey. Just hang in there, ok? She going to be ok. You know I've never seen you like this before."

"I can't lose her Paddy. And our baby?"

"I know buddy I know."

Just then Abbeys doctor walked into the waiting room.

Jesse shot up.

"How are they?"

"Mr Soffer let's have a seat and we'll talk..."

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