Chapter 9

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Somewhere on the school campus, an older woman glanced around her before knocking on a door labeled, 'Do not enter'.

"Who is there?" A voice demanded.

"It is Dolores Liech sir. I have your report for today."

"Very well. Come in."

Mrs. Liech carefully opened the door and closed it gently. She walked to the center of the darkened room and got down on one knee.

"What do you have to report?" A shadowed figure said in a deep voice.

"Well sir, we were able to recruit about four students today, but it appears the day we have both feared is upon us. This school has two Godkids in the same class."

The shadowed figure didn't move. "Who is their teacher?"

"Kelly Ratchet."

The man grunted. "Damn that woman. She always beats us to the powerful kids. Her whole appearance at this school is suspicious. It is like the King sent her in as a spy." Then he paused. "Which Godkids are we dealing with here?"

"Manipulation and Destruction."

"You should have tricked them into hating the King. We could overthrow him."

Mrs. Liech frowned. "There is one small little problem with that. It seems that they have become friends with the King's daughter."

The shadowed man cursed under his breath. "This is a problem. I know we had other plans for the daughter, but these new circumstances call for different actions. We will have to kill her. If we kill her, we will have a better chance of recruiting the two Godkids."

"Who should do the job?"

A flash of white teeth along with a pair of glowing green eyes lit up the room.

"I will send Stretch. He will kill her." Then he paused. "What are their names?"

"Cerce Temple and Luke Sky." Mrs. Liech responded.

"Sky?" The man repeated. Then he shuffled through some papers and a white smile appeared in the shadow. "I believe our final Godkid will be transferring here because of a misplaced invitation very soon."

"The Godkid of Energy?"

"Yes. Make sure that you do not tell anyone about her arrival. If we get this girl to join us, than the others will quickly follow." His glowing green eyes of a Godkid glared at Mrs. Liech. "Make sure that absolutely no one knows about this. We can't let Ms. Ratchet get to her first. Make sure you are at the gate to greet her."

"Yes master." Mrs. Liech bowed.

Just outside the door, a blonde woman wearing shades let out a tiny giggle and walked away.

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