Chapter 34

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            “Welcome back to the 42nd annual Pentabowa tournament.  This is it, the semi-finals.  The winner of this match will face team Pentas, last year’s champions.”  John said.

            “That’s right, and up next we have team Rallyicho and team Mastodon.  These two teams have done really well to get this far, but only one can move on.”

            “Despite the great run they have had so far, I don’t know if team Rallyicho will be able to beat this team.  Team Mastodon has been known throughout the years to have ability-cancelling tactics, and for a team with little battle experience in hand-to-hand combat, this is going to be though.”

            “Well we will just have to see how they will manage, because the match is about to begin.”

            “Alright!  Shut down the Godkids, but remember, they aren’t the only ones on the team!  Focus and attack the net!” The Mastodon’s leader shouted.

            Daniel frowned.  He knew this round would be a lot tougher.  Each match had been more difficult than the last, since their opponents started noticing Riley a lot faster.  And to make things worse, these guys had made it to the championships five out of six times, so they clearly had a lot of talent.

            The alarm sounded, and projectiles went flying in the air.  Luke summoned all of his energy and he prepared a fire blast.

            Suddenly, it started raining, inside.  Luke’s fire was immediately doused.

            “The Godkid of Destruction is defenseless!  Attack!” The other team cried.  Two members of the Mastodons charged Luke.

            Daniel gulped.  “Luke!  Fall back!”

            Luke took a stance.  He smiled to himself.

            Two members of team Mastodon dropped to the floor in an instant.  A cheetah leapt out from behind a pillar.  It dove on top of Luke, and there was a moment of struggle until the cat went still.  Luke emerged from underneath the cheetah completely unscathed.

            Maya was also in a pinch as well.  Using her lightning could potentially injure herself or anyone else since the ground had become so muddy.  However, she was the Godkid of ENERGY, not electricity.  She fought well against her opponents and scored a point with her speed.

            “Riley!  There’s one on the right!  Luke, watch your left!” Cerce called from above.  She was once again standing on top of a pillar, firing arrows and making callouts.

            Luke continued to fight in the center of the arena, with Riley there to back him up.  She skillfully spun her scythe to block and strike.  Her movements were so fluid, it was as if she were dancing.  Luke seemed to move like magic too.  He was up on his toes, dancing back and forth in a boxing stance.  His fists shattered bones, and he sent everyone who faced him to the muddy ground.

            Daniel chuckled.  “He really is a force to be reckoned with.”  He dashed up the middle, racing past Luke and Riley, and headed toward the goal with a flag in hand.  The cheetah girl raced towards him.  Then Maya appeared and leapt into the air.  With one graceful spin, she smashed the girl with the Godstriker.

            4-2, team Rallyicho had the lead.

            “Attack the goal!” The Mastodon leader shouted.

            Finally, they started attacking the goal hard.  Daniel couldn’t handle them all by himself.  He was quickly overpowered and killed right in front of the goal.

            It was 30 seconds before Daniel could revive, as opposed to the five seconds it takes to revive after scoring.  When Daniel finally revived and looked up at the score, he expected the worst.  All five members of team Mastodon had went straight to the goal.  But when he saw the score, he mouth dropped.


            Not only did Daniel’s teammates stop the attack, they scored so many points.  Daniel looked out onto the field.  The ground in front of the goal had a giant crater in it.  Riley was on top of the pillar giving out locations, Maya was dashing around the field, taking out anyone who was sneaking around.

            Daniel quickly figured that Cerce must have stopped them, judging by the crater in the floor. Riley looked like she had quite some damage taken to her too, which meant she had jumped into the battle to stop them as well.  Daniel quickly deduced that Cerce had died, which would have led to their extra point, although that wasn’t the only clue that told him Cerce had died.

            Half the arena was on fire. 

            The rain was not doing anything to these blue flames.  A demon stood in the center, his eyes bright red, with one member of team Mastodon held up by his face in Luke’s hand. 

            Daniel’s eyes widened.  It was still down-pouring, which was supposed to mean that fire abilities were useless, yet half the arena was on fire.  Daniel could feel the rage from Luke fused into the heat from his flames.  Luke crushed the boy in his hand and tossed him aside like a piece of trash.

            The match ended with team Mastodon shaking in fear.  Luke had destroyed the arena and showed a rage that would haunt them for years to come.

            “Wow, what a match!  I didn’t think team Rallyicho would be able to pull off a win.  Did you see this coming Kelly?” John said surprised.

            “Team Mastodon had a good strategy that would have worked had they known one small detail.”

            “And what is that?”

            “Back on Earth, Luke was a world class boxer.  He can punch through solid concrete.  He was used to fighting even before he discovered his ability.  Luke was able to go toe-to-toe with anyone on team Mastodon, which was something that they hadn’t planned for.”

            “So he is just as powerful even without his Godkid abilities.  That is amazing Kelly.  But they are going to need a lot more luck and skill if they are going to beat their final opponents, team Pentas.”

            “You are certainly right about that.  These guys and gals have plowed their way to the finals, only letting up four points in six games.  They are everyone’s favorite to win and certainly the toughest to beat.  Let’s see what happens.”

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