Chapter 56

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The next week was relatively boring.  Luke gave Brooke a stern talking to.  Brooke was quick to apologize.  Luke let her know that he and Cerce were dating each other, but Brooke insisted that they remain friends anyway, with the permission of Cerce.

            Not a single pawn showed up that week.  Even so, Daniel developed a system to cover the entire city in two hours.  Every night they split up and searched the city, despite Toby insisting that they all stick together.

            "Toby is starting to annoy me." Daniel said as the bell rang on Friday.  "He has been bothering us about our training this whole week."

            Maya shrugged.  "He just wants to make sure our fighting techniques are good enough so we don't die."

            "It feels like he is trying to limit us." Luke pointed out.  "Why is it that we aren't even allowed to fight without him there?"

            "Maybe he wants us to run so we don't die." Cerce added.

            "Well I guess we will just have to deal with it for now."  Daniel sighed.  Daniel, Riley, and Cerce all stood up to leave.

            "You guys coming?" Cerce said to Maya and Luke.

            The twins both groaned.

            "We are staying late." Luke said dropping his head.  "Our grades in Math have always been terrible."

            "The teacher is making us stay for extra lessons." Maya whined.

            "Oh okay." Cerce said disappointed.  She was looking forward to walking home with Luke again.  They were finally able to be comfortable enough to hold hands in public.

            "It shouldn't be too long." Luke assured her.  "We will see you guys at home."

            Rio was waiting for them when they got out of school.

            "Maya and Luke are staying late?" Rio said confirming what Daniel told him.

            Daniel nodded.  Riley was latched onto his arm.  "Where is Toby?"

            Rio shook his head.  "I have no idea where that old man is.  He always runs off doing his own thing.  I tried following him once, but somehow I lost track of him."

            "I can't see him doing anything that suspicious though." Cerce admitted.  "He might be crazy, but he has helped us train so much and the King trusts him.  We should trust him too."

            They had just gone past the train station when Daniel noticed something.  He looked at the clock on the station's main tower.  It was 3 o'clock, one of the busiest times of the day, but when he looked around, there wasn't a single person in sight.

            Daniel immediately went on high alert.  Something was clearly wrong.  Riley felt Daniel's tension and began scanning around.

            Cerce stared at the two of them.  She saw that they were looking around for something.  She even noticed that Daniel was beginning to form his armblades.

            They all remained quiet.  Daniel created a throwing star in his hand.  He stopped and listened carefully.

            "There!" He shouted as he threw the star into the woods in front of them.

            A guy hiding behind the tree jumped out.  He carried two toy guns in his hands.  When he shot them, two energy beams shot out of them.  They hit a tree behind them.

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