Chapter 17

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I'm here and your here reading this here story. Enjoy.

We were all outside, today they were going to have their tryouts , and I couldn't wait. Finally, Sammy would be joining the team making me not the only girl on the team. I honestly couldn't wait, we were both equally awesome. She had decided to go for Wide Receiver since she knows she runs faster than most boys on our team. All she had to do was run 40 yards.

"Alright Jacobs, on your mark. Get set go," he timed her and I really hoped she ran this under 4 seconds, because that's what Ryan ran for his. He was the second fastest on the team behind me.

I watched as she ran down the field and as she's passed the line we all looked at coach. He smiled,"I tell all the results at the end of the tryouts, everyone knows that."

"Alright Lopez your next! No your already on the team Oscar, I'm talking to Cory," Coach had an awesome screaming voice I mean if I was a coach then I'd aspire to be like home.

Cory decided to try out for Running Back, good position for him he's fast, but not as fast as Sammie. He had to run this under 5 seconds because our Running Back was Oscar Lopez.

And everyone else went through that process till the end of practice. I was so nervous, especially for Temmy who tried out for a , I mean Omar Velasquez was already a awesome one, he had 5 sacks last year and in all the little league football I've played with him he's, that's actually the lowest he ever gotten. By the way everyone except Taylor tried out for football, he's more of a baseball guy.

Then there's Brandon who was trying out as center. Apparently he'd played football in that position years back.
His competition wasn't that fierce though, it was only David Franklin, who sucked in my opinion. He's the reason we used to get scored on.

"So I bet your all wondering who's the new Defensive End, well actually Omar keeps his spot, but Temmy will be taking Leon's place instead.Brandon got the spot as a center, and Cory is obviously the new Running Back and Sammie,"I'm so scarred for her!"You got the spot girl, sorry son, but the girl's got game. Practice is tomorrow at regular time."

I know I felt iffy on that chapter, but his is a filler.


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