August 16, 2014- Chapter 8

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It was now 5 p.m,today was Saturday, the day our show would be live on TV. Hopefully this goes right, and my head doesn't explode from trying to run this show.

Oh my goodness, it's now 7 o'clock. I don't think I'm ready for this in any type of way. Maybe I should try shaking it off, maybe that'll help, hopefully.

"Okay, is Mr.Levesque in his place, he's up for the first scene of the night I really need him to be in his place, like now,"I rambled on.

"Yeah, he's at the gorilla position waiting for the pyro's and music to finish,"Martin, one of the kids we hired, told.

"Thanks Martin!"

As I calmed down I walked toward the girls locker room. I needed to see if Aggie was ready for her match after Triple H welcomes them and announces the Royal Rumble in 2 weeks.

"Hey Aggie you ready?"

"Yeah, I was born ready Tyler. Benjamin and I are going to show the crowd what they've been missing out on."

I nodded and walked out of the locker room. Now I just have to find Benjamin, maybe I could ask Daniel (Sami Zayn's Son). But I can't find him either. Gah, times running out. Why is he looking at me with that amused face, this is serious.

"What do you want Jon?"I was starting to get annoyed at his presence right now. If he didn't fucking move then I'd be late to find Benjamin's unavailable ass.

"You look annoyed and I'm pretty sure that's from me, but where'd the frustration come in at?"

"Well, I'm looking for Benjamin for his match,"I pouted,"and I can't find him!"

"Well, maybe that's because he's already at the Gorilla Position,"Jon pointed out.

"You know I hate you sometimes, right?"

"No you don't, you just love me so much,"then he picks me up, and gave me a giant hug.

"Shut up, now move I got a show to run right now."

I went and sat down in a room that gives the superstars a big TV to watch the show. I really don't know what it's called, frankly I don't care.

Jo rang the bell, jus as I sat down. Benjamin and Aggie locked up, which he overpowered her. He forced her into the turnbuckle, hit her with a countless amount of kicks to the stomach. he ran to the opposing turnbuckle, and ran full speed back about to clothesline her only to get a mouth full of boot to the face.

Aggie then climbed on top of the turnbuckle, as Benjamin backed up, and position himself to catch her for he splash. The move was executed perfectly, an she got off her feet as soon as she landed onto the ring. Once he stood Aggie hit him with three of her sister's fierce roundhouse kicks.

The last one landed and she swung him to the turnbuckle closest to her. As soon as he landed,maybe a fraction before she ran to the other side. Running back toward him eh side stepped. She rolled on the floor in "pain".

The match went back and forth through commercial break and back. Aggie finally stoppe that set up when she landed another one of those awesome roundhouse kicks her sister has as he was running toward her for the Curb-Stomp. She saw he was I perfect placement for the Shinning Wizard, and immediately went for it. But he reversed with a roll up.

As Jo was going for the pin Aggie had gotten a hold of the rope. But she didn't see it. Aggie head was blown off she was do mad. She pointed at Benjamin and yelled,"Your mine!"

As they came backstage, I couldn't help, but hug them both. They put their all into that, and I couldn't say anything bad about them. The rest of the night before my segment with Taylor and Cory was just a match between Jullian vs. Andrew Graves that ends in DQ, and a standoff between Andrea Neville and Marco Breeze(Tyler Breeze's brother).

I went and got one of the camera boys, Marc, Taylor, and Cory for the segment. Hopefully Dolph won't freak put on him. I mean I'm positive Dolph's her, I mean he'd be here before Dean ever would, so he has to be in catering somewhere watching the show.

Marc followed me to the vacant locker room as we got ready for the segment. We waited for him to give us the signal.

"You ready to come out?"I asked.

"Yeah, it's time, I mean I've known for a year, an it's been eating me up,"he said before Marc said it was time.

"So Temmy, Taylor? I mean yeah I know he's Austrailian and he's not bad looking, but besides that why him?"

"Well, you see he has Emma's personality, he may fight like Roman I the ring, but he's so sweet."

"I know what you mean,"I said going away from what I'd planned originally.

"Wait do you like someone?"

"No,"why now? Does he really have to do this, I didn't agree to this.

Before I could say anything else Cory came in. He had that's hit eating smirk Seth always had. It was so annoying.

"Hey look it's the gay boy, and the reject."

"Well, someone might be homophobic," I said.

"What no, my Uncle's gay why in the world would I even think of say anything bad about Homosexual people,"I could tell Cory Lopez came put instead of his real character, which made him ten times hotter.

"Anyway, what do you want?"I dragged the word out.

"Well, I just wanted to tell yo that your win was a mistake by Cassie. I kicked out of that move."

"Sure,"Taylor said.

"You won't be saying that when I beat your little boyfriend ," and with that he walked out.

Marc turned the camera off. I felt really good about that segment. As we walked out the room we were met with Nick standing there.

"So your gay, and you didn't tell me,"Nick whined. Thank goodness he's okay with this.

"Well I was scarred."

"Don't ever be, your my only brother, and I love you."

"Aww sibling moment, so sweet!"I gushed.

The last match was Temmy talking about Taylor liking him,but getting interrupted by Cory. They then have a match, and Temmy winks via DQ, because he was hit with a sledgehammer by Peter.



2 hours later

I sat in my room with my brother after we both had taken a shower, and we're now laying down on our beds. Nothing had been said until Jon spoke.

"So you ran your first show tonight,"his smile was so big, it made his energy radiate to me.

"Yeah it was awesome, but quite troubling,"I honestly told.

"Well don't quit, that show was actually incredibly good."

That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face incredibly proud of myself.






So that was the chapter. Sorry it took so long.

And comment and vote if you liked it pls.

~Alicia Douglas~

Dean Ambrose's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now