August 23,2014- Chapter 10

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Now I did have this whole plan, but I can never work with planned stories I don't know why and so now I'm going to wing it. Months later now and their show is still running.

Now I'd like to thank supplexu AllRedEverything1 wweawesomefan for actually commenting. And by the way supplexu will be kind of helping me along the way too.


"The second time is always easier than the first,"Jon smiled.

"But I'm just as nerves, what if people don't like the story I'm trying to tell."

"Calm down it'll go great just breath!"

If you didn't notice I hyperventilating right now, and I still think Jon's freaking lying about how the second time is easier cause it's not. Running a show is extremely different than wrestling in a match.

"The show's starting Tyler thought I'd warn ya,"Marc smiled.

"Is the Authority in position including the little ones?"

"Yes, they're actually already out there,"I nodded and went to go watch in the tv screen. Hopefully Sammie and Brandon are okay talkers. That's not me being cocky, it's just me not ever hearing them not the mic.

"Now what Peter, did to ol'Temmy was his fault. I mean, have you heard his stupid accent I mean talk about annoying, you have Temmy what ever his last name is. And if his lover boy wants to come into proportion that's fine he can get it too. Oh I'm not forgetting about that Tyler, we'll she has a crush on me or whatever so..."that wasn't part of the plan Cory!

"Remove your head,"I really loved Brandon.

"What?"from your buttocks that's where!

"I can't say that this show's P.G. remember dumbletone?"their bromance is way too awesome for me to handle.

"I will tombstone you both if you don't get back on track you Daniel Bryan look alikes, and for you stupid people here in California, I called them goat faces,"she had awesome mic skills.

For the rest of the segment they trashed us. And to say I was proud of them was an understatement. They did hella awesome man! Best promo skills I've seen in along time in WWE Kids that is.

When they came backstage I couldn't help, but hug the first person who came into the gorilla position from the ring. It just so happened to be Cory. And yeah.

"Ooo, they're finally realizing their love for one another,"Peter smiled.

"Shut up, short stuff,"I was still blushing incredibly hard, too, so I bet he didn't take it seriously.

"Sorry, about that Cory. Anyway I'm going to go look for Ben Dempsy he has a match against Ryan. And could you find Jo,it's her turn to referee. And Peter go find Ryan please,"I quickly got out of that situation.

"What happens to you,"Ben laughed. "Oh wait let me guess, you told him."

"Dempsy shut up, I do not like him...............
........that much,"I wonder when my whole bodies going to go limp from the loss of blood in other places in my body?

We laughed and talked about unreasonable things the whole way their. Spending time with him was actually quite fun though. Anyway after dropping him off I went to catering for some food.

"Hey Tyler,"what did he want! I already don't like him at all. I mean he's a fucking jackass.

"What do you want Banks,"Brian Banks is the worst person ever. He's so rude and the cockiest SOB I've ever met.

"Dude can you like leave I'm trying to get ready for my match."

"Now Brian she said leave her alone, would you kindly move along,"this is exactly why I surround myself with guys their just so awesome and protective.

"Thanks Taylor, I never knew you could be so awesome, anyway I do really have to go get ready. After Jullian gets attacked. That tag match and Michael Cole's first moments on TV, so see you later,"I smiled. "You get ready too!"

I went to the girls locker room. I wasn't going to get ready now, I mean this segment was going to be awesome and I couldn't miss it.

As I watched Jullian begin his interview anticipation was going through me. I mean Andrew did kind of audition, for no reason I said he didn't have to. But he insisted and showed his awesome skills. So I made him and Jullian have a feud together.

Then what I've been waiting for began. Andrew hit him on the back with a steal chair. He then hit him with it repeatedly. All while having this sick smile on his face. Then that's when all the refs and those people rushed in and pulled him away.

"Give me a mic!"

Marc quickly gave him one. And he nodded a thank you to him. Then he sat down Indian style.

"Now, your probably wondering why I did that. Well you got your answer now. You see I don't like him. He's too happy,all the time for no reason. He sees the world as rainbows and unicorns and well..."damn he's good!"It's not and he needs to get that through his skull, and I'm the one who's going to teach it to him!"

He dropped the mic and made his way to the guys' locker room. I'm pretty sure he has to be the most charismatic person on the roster. I mean I hate to take this from Big Cass and Enzo, but. You Can't Teach That.

I began to get ready. I put on a black wife beater, my leather jacket that resembled Jon's. I then got the wrap things for my hands. I was going to have a fun match with Sammie tonight I just know it.

The tag match was won by Andrea Nevile and Aggie Lee who went against Marco Breeze and Benjamin Bryan. The match was okay, but if it was the rival matches in a singles match I probably would've liked it better. Anyway Michael Cole Jr. had announced my match against Sammie and showed the tape for it on how it all got started.

As I did my pre-stretches and things I felt a tap on my shoulder. It had to be one of my friends though. And guess who the queen of guess well, your looking at me right in the face!

"You ready?"Sammie was the person.

"Yep, always have been."

And with that it was her turn to come to the ring with her dad's old theme song that he had in 2006, Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven. I enjoyed that one too. It was actually one of my favorites.

Then it was my turn I came out to my theme song of choice(Guys I forgot her theme song name I think only was The Middle by Jimmy Eats World but please tell me if it is.) I slapped a few fans' hands then took off my Leather Jacket I was wearing.

As Jo rung the bell I got into beat everyone's ass mode. Which is the one I get in when I used to play football. Also when it is anything that has to do with wrestling.

Later in the match after the whole lock up thing and battling back and forth, we both went for a clothesline and now we're both on the floor. The crowd began clapping and cheering for one of us to get up. I began to get up and went to a corner. For some reason I had this feeling to do an Edge spear.

And as soon as she got up I whispered,"Spear,"loud enough for him to hear. And then I ran an gave her a spear.

"Kick out."

And then she did. I got up and then I was immediately pushed to the ropes. That was my cue for a clothesline. It almost had the same effect as Jon, but it wasn't anywhere near there. I the went to the middle and did my little thing with my hair. That's when Cory came and hit me from behind, and Jo called for the bell.

That's when a huge fight between us all broke out. Suddenly that resulted in the whole roster coming out. And that's when the camera's went off. We weren't going to stop, people were still sitting there. Minutes later Cory was the only one in the ring. Hinting who would win the Royal Rumble tomorrow.
I really wanted to get this chapter out before 2015 and I did. Happy New Years!And hoped you like it. By the way I want you to listen to The Middle by Jimmy Eats World if you've never have, its a good song.

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