Chapter 3

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"Come on mom, this'll give me a chance to follow my dreams, and I'll see you whenever the holidays come,"I begged my mother to let me go on the road with Jon.

Today was the last day, hopefully, I'd be in this town and that was inly if my mom said yes to me going. But if she didn't then I'd go back to my amateur wrestling classes and I didn't want that especially since, it wouldn't be the same. And plus Jin's the only one who can teach me his style too in my defense.

"Tyler come on you have to go outside, before the bus comes, we'll talk about this when you get home,"my mom demanded, me sighing, sometimes she just was so unfair to me, but she was my mother and only trying to protect me.

Once I finally got off the bus, all my classmates were looking at me. They were whispering things, and it was obviously about my appearance on Raw last night. But this was kind of a strange feeling to be actually talked about and not have someone, a stuck-up bitch most likely, walk up to me and talk about how I'm a tomboy, an I respond to her with some smart assed remark that she rolls her eyes at and initially leaves me alone like I want.

"Hey, Tyler, can it get your autograph?"Kennusky, of course asked me.

"No, you've been a pain in the ass since 5th grade, and your always bragging about the skills that you lack in football."

He had no time to reply before Taylor walked up to me and we walked into the cafeteria.


The rest of the day consisted of people asking about how it felt to be on TV. I usually just ignored them though and listened to the teacher. And that would consist if the teacher asking me eventually.

But now I was at home with my three partners, Ryan(Kennusky), Brian(Hatch), and Jordan(Slyvensky) all at my house working on my project.

"Hey Tyler,"Really Jon, the questions were just coming to a stop.

"Seriously Jon, bad timing, I have a project due,"I moaned.

"But I have some awesome news, and if you'd just bring your partners down here to hear the news than you'll know,"Jon spoke.

I motioned for the guys to follow me, and they did. When I got downstairs, there stood Stephanie McMahon talking to my mother. "What's going on here?"I questioned.

"Well, you young lady, and Taylor are going to be traveling on the road with WWE, and if your grades just slip even slightly, or maybe to a B- then you're coming back home,"she told.

"Yes ma'am,"I nodded, hugging my mom for accepting the offer, I was now going to begin road life with my brother.

"What about the football team?"Ryan asked.

"Tomorrow will be my last game,"I told.

"But your the best quarterback we have," Jordan whined.

"Sorry boys, but wrestling's my dream and I will conquer it, an you'll see me on TV every Monday, some Friday's, maybe if I'm popular enough I get to I don't know, be nominated for a spammy award. I know your my football team, but I demand you to be supportive now,"I smiled as the boys tried to convince me to stay, but getting the same answer.


The next day I got to school and the news was already out. People who usually were so cruel were nice to me, especially since this was also my last game today. By the end of the day I was curious on what coach would say.

Coach had always been supportive of me, unlike the other ones. The only other person who was relatively nice to me was the Math teacher, who understood me. But Coach was different from her.

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