Chapter 26

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Hey guys.
June 16th

Class has been going awesomely and I am not at all that distracted by Mr.Lawson. He even says I'm actually one of the top people in our class right now, and he's even more impressed that I take 2 math classes. Instead of doing the show like we said we were a as like a drama we decided to let everything cone to us, so if something hilarious happened then do be it everyone would just be in the moment.

Today I walked into class ready to leaen, especially since we have chemistry today. Most people say that it's evil, but to me it's actually quite easy. That's a complete lie and I have no idea why I even told it. I mean it's unnecessarily hard, like it doesn't want me too go to the next grade.

Anyway I started to my seat inn the middle PhD class, when I saw Peter crying. I wonder what's wrong with him, he's usually such a happy person. Like every time we're in class he says something to pass one of the teachers off.

"Dude, you okay?"

"No,"what could possibly be wrong?

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that I've been getting bullied by someone, and I was afraid to tell anyone."

"Who is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Michael Cole Jr." Who would have thought Mikey would be the perpetrator; he just doesn't seem like that type of guy. "He forces me tho sho things I don't like, and he has pictures of me doing them."

"What types of things."

"You'd be disgusted if I told you," even more tears began to pour down.

"I'd never be disgusted by you Pete, you're one of my best friends."

He sniffed then began. "Well h-he.......drugged me, then I woke up unconscious, and naked."

I stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. "And he showed me pictures of my mouth, but he promised nothing else happened."

"Dude, come here." I grabbed him into my arms cradling him. Then that's when I noticed the cameras were there. "Can you guys give us some privacy please?"

"What's going on here Ms. Good?"

"Can I talk to you outside?"

"Yeah," I walked outside the class with Ms. Lawson and told her something was wrong with Peter.

"I understand so I'll give you guys some time out side to talk about this." I thanked her and took Peter to a room I knew no one ever came into.

"Now Peter Levesque, are you lying to me? This isn't something play with."

"No why would I play about being sexually harassed, I may play about most things but this isn't one of them Ty. Cross my heart." I heard the pain in my friends voice, I couldn't believe a fucking 17 year old would do something like this to someone a 13 year old.

"Tyler wait, I'm not playing about being sexually harassed by him, but he never drugged me. And I actually forgive him now and like the things he does, he's never done anything serious though."

"Are you fucking serious.....I'm not going to yell at you, this is your life after all. I still love you dude no matter how much I don't agree with your decisions."

"Thanks for understanding Tyler, everyone else would have called me a freak. That's why I was crying."

"I can't do that to you Peter," I tried too smile, but I couldn't from the disbelief I was in of my friend. It's never thought any of my friends would be involved in a relationship with someone more than 2 years older when they were still in their teen years at least.

We walked back into the class room. I nodded towards Ms.Lawson as a thank you for letting me resolve a problem that was going on between me and Peter. She's one of the few teachers I can say I actually like.

When class was over I walked up to Michael Cole Jr. "You better not hurt Peter."

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you and Peter in a relationship?"

"No, he thinks wee are because he had some dream that we did."

"Sorry for that Mikey,"I walked away confuddled, so what really happened?

I went to the hotel we were staying in and went to Peter and Brandon's room. Why was this boy constantly lying to me he has no reason to, unless he wants some kind of attention or something. I went to their room to find the door opened.

"Leave me alone. I don't know why I lied,"Peter yelled to the top of his lungs. I pushed the door opened, but I didn't see him.

"I can't fucking do this anymore, I'm going too end it. I have to, no one likes me. I'm just a 13 year old with voices in his head that won't leave me alone."

There was nothing but complete silence. My eyes widened and I ran into the restroom. Tears running down my eyes afraid I didn't make it in time to save his life.


Cliff hanger guys. Hoped you liked that chapter. And I'm sorry for being evil. Told you you wouldn't expect a thing. Especially since he hasn't been in the story for a long time or rather mentioned is a better vocabulary for it.


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