Chapter 11

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Boom! 2 chapters within 24 hours!
August 24th
"Good show I have to give it to you,"Mr.Levesque came up to me.

"Thanks, I mean I do what I have to do,"I smiled, then walked back to the locker room to get changed so I could go to the hotel.

After I'd changed into some sweats, a Smosh Games t-shirt, and a hoodie I walked outside the room, and I was greeted by my best friend.

"Hey buddy,"I smiled.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, kind if hungry though,"and right on cue my stomach growled. "Nick what are we eating?"

"Well, room service."

Really, Nick, really. Your going the easy way out of this. And you call yourself a wrestler that's eat healthy. I shun you.
August 25th----------------------------
"Writing is hard!"

"Your only writing like 3 segments. You forget the Royal Rumbles next week. About that who are you planning to win it?"

I told him and he smirked, but didn't say a word. People think I'm the weird one in this friendship. They're so wrong.

"Anyway, what about next week's show?"

"I don't know if depends on how this show goes, stop pressuring me!"

"Is she always this dramatic?"Tyler Breeze, aka Mattias Clement, asked.

"Yes she is,"Marco answered.

They say that like they can't detect my awesomeness. But you know what they say getting in denial is the first step to away from realizing the truth. My doctors say that's not good for your health.

August 26th----------------------------
"Hey bro, how's filming the movie?"

"It's awesome actually, I'm having the time of my life,"I could hear the smile on his face."Anyway enough about me, I saw that show on Saturday sis, it was totally awesome. But you did learn from the best."

"You taught me nothing," I laughed.

"You know what they say indenialty, I don't Tempe if that's a word, is bad for your health."

"Speaking of that, you know T-Breezy and M-Breezy can't detect the awesomeness of me? I was so shocked when I found out, it broke my heart."

"Don't cry they'll figure out sometime soon," I know it's been a little over a week, but I really miss him like bad!"

"I miss you,"he always says that before leaving to go film. And when he told me I was far from surprised. Man, I feel dumped or something.

August 27-29th---------- ----- ---- ----

The rest if the week I sat in my hotel watching everything I was too lazy to watch, and all the YouTube videos I'd miss, because of interviews I had to do. Also I spent bribing Jon on the phone about how I would love to meet some of my favorite singers and YouTubers for my birthday on March 1st or even before it, I don't care I just really want something. I even gave him the idea of a birthday week, and since it falls on Sunday in 2015 I thought we should start in Feburary.

Which he declined so meanly. It wasn't very nice of him. He can forget that picture of Timmy Turner I was going to draw him for his, now it's out the door.


Hoped you liked it. I might add things most likely tomorrow or something.


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