Chapter 25

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June 11

Today the whole gang and I were all at the arena to start filming the show. Although school just ended I wasn't completely mad about starting to film again. I mean I basically have the classes I was going to have to have do 9th grade anyway, might as well get it over with.

"Dude why are they forcing us to start school again?"Out of us all Taylor hated school the most. "This is an injustice spin the community of teens traveling with WWE."

"Babe on the bright side when everyone's in school we'll be out."

"That doesn't even seem like a good thing."He us way more of a drama queen than I thought. "We'll be like Phineas and Ferb out of school when everyone's still in, that sounds like the complete opposite of fun to me."

"You're such a baby, suck it up we're self pacing anyway, geez calm down,"Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Kids it's time to start their show,"Triple H yelled.

We made our way into the makeshift classroom and we each choose a seat. That's when I noticed there were cameras in there room, and an incredibly handsome human being in the room. Like I mean he's so hot that it's unfair to me, I want to actually pass the 9th grade this year. There was also a couple of others in the room too, but he was the only one really on my mind.

"Welcome everyone, I'm Mr.Lawson,"he introduced himself. "I'll be the high school math and history teacher, by high school I mean anything from Pre-Algebra to Statistics."

"I'm Ms.Lawson and I'll be the high school sciences and middle school english teacher,"a woman who looked a lot like Mr.Lawson said.

"I'm Mr.Brown and I teach middle school math and high school english,"hmm he's incredibly old.

"And I'm Mrs.Brown and I'll be teaching middle school science and social studies""her voice is so annoying like great, why do you have to put "uh" after every single word, I'm not in any way playing when I say that either.

"Dude Mr.Lawson is so cute," Angelina( She's AJ's sister, Aggie who was in a feud with Daniel Bryan's brother Benjamin).

"I know right it's so unfair to us."

"Girls,"we both turned our heads to Ms.Brown.

"Yes," we asked in unison.

What if she asks us what we're talking about, I have a boyfriend and he weekly's be so pissed if he found out I was talking about another guy. Out may surprise you but he's the jealous type, Nick Jonas's song is the perfect representation of it, but it's so adorable that he cares that much.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

"Well you see we were just talking about the game that comes on tonight and hoping that the Warriors pull out a win tonight."

"Well talk about basketball in your own time, please,"Angelina stated.

I looked in her eyes and thanked her for the save. Almost everyone knew about out, but they said he wasn't that jealous. Just a little puppy that cares about its girlfriend.

I know it isn't that awesome but I have something planed for the next chapter that no one will expect.


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