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4 years later
Friday, March 1st 2019

"I'm finally here, on my 18th birthday,"I laughed to the crowd. "So all I want to say is" I'm really craving to fight someone tonight no matter who it is,"I smirked.

Hopping around the ring, I waited for someone's music to come on. No matter who it's going to be I couldn't wait. This would officially be my first match as a WWE superstar. Hopefully it's someone special I wouldn't want someone I can't trust to be my opponent.

All of a sudden the music of Sammie Jacobs blasted through the arena. She's the perfect person to have a first match against. Especailly since she's one of my best friends.

"Tyler, I really don't want to embarrass you, we may be friends but I'll still kick your ads."

"We'll see about that, I wiped your ads on our old show before I can't wait to do it again," I smiled then she hopped into the ring.

"Can we please get a ref?"

Out came Brandon's girlfriend Cassie. I know it's hard to believe she actually put up with him for 4 years, but that's her life. Atleast she has humor everywhere she goes.

"Ladies we don't want to see you fight, they'd much rather see us get down and dirty in that ring," Cory and Peter came out with their, obnoxious personas.

"Well how about since we suck you come in here and prove it; a battle of the sexes right here,"Sammie asked.

"Fine then, but I hope you font go crying to your dad and brother," Peter smirked.

"How bout you guys don't go running yo the authority then. Also even though my dad's like dirt old he can kick your ass."

"I highly doubt that," Cory challenged.

"Why aren't you guys in the ring yet, too scarred,"Sammie smirked. They simultaneously ran to the ring, just as Kane music played throughout the arena.

"Can we get a ref please?"

Out came Cassie, Brandon's girlfriend. This was absolutely the most perfect first match ever, "And don't forget the lumberjack."

Everyone who continued to stay with the WWE that was a kid came out, and I can't believe this" but it just got perfecter.

October 15, 2020


"I'm fucking 21 now, bitches," Brandon yelled.

"Well, we're not, so you can keep your excitement to yourself," he pointed at Peter's boyfriend, Marc Breeze, Taylor, and I.

"Too bad majority rules."

"Well, majority sucks ass," Taylor cursed.

"I'm so proud of you babe you cursed," Temmy teased.

"Tyler make him stop," Taylor pouted.

Even at 19 and 21 they're still the most adorable couple in the world. Taylor even told me they were in love. And that was when we were 17.

"He has a point, you don't curse very much," I agreed.

"Yes I do. See, bitch fuck ass dick shit."

"Impressive Mr.Nemeth."

"Are you guys going to watch me take my first drink or what?"

"Come on babe just drink it already," Cassie, the ref and his new girlfriend, said.

"You're supposed to be on my side, but any who on a serious note.....I want to make a toast."

We all cheered.

"So I've known all of you guys for like 6 years now and I just want to say I couldn't ask for anyone better to meet as I grew up. It isn't everyday you find a group of people who accept you as you," he smiled.

I'm so sad, yet so happy that it's over. I'm sad because I fell in love with my characters, and well I just really loved this story. I'm happy because I had a lot of people supporting me on my journey to my first 28 chapters in a single book. When I first started out I knew it was going to be over 17 chapters in it but I didn't think that I'd have 28. So this is farewell.

Don't correct me either when I used perfecter it was on purpose.


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