Chapter 5

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Welcome Guyz to another chapter.


"Come in,"Triple H's voice rang.

"You wanted to see us,"spoke Cory.

"Yeah, I did actually. It's nothing bad,"he must've noticed the look on our faces.

"We just wanted to know, if you guys were willing to be in a storyline along with all the other 11- 15 year olds?"Stephanie asked.

"That'd be wonderful, how many of us are there to be exact?"Taylor asked.

"It's about 30 of you guys,"Triple H answered.

"Did you tell anyone else?"I really wanted to know, so I could get ready to tell other kids or wait till Monday for instructions.

"Yeah, when you were out there with Taylor and Cory,"responded Stephanie.

"And you don't have to make a character if don't want to, this whole thing with you guys is like a teenager's Raw that happens on Saturday,"explained Triple H.

"So we'll have our own show starting next week on Saturday?"Cory asked.

"Yep, the audience has been enjoying what you guys do, and we think that the show should be centered around you, Taylor, Temmy, and Cory,"Stephanie announced.

My eyebrows furrowed and Triple H nodded his head and told us it's, because you guys are clearly good friends, but Cory and Tyler here, started a rival since their brothers are in a rivalry."

After we all left the room we smiled and hugged. I couldn't believe that they were actually creating a show for us, without any main roster or NXT superstars except for maybe the ones who'd be training us.

During the next day before Raw,Temmy, Cory, Taylor,and I had talked about the gimmicks we were going to have. But it was clear that we were going to keep a little of how our siblings in it. That was the most important thing to us, we had to show the crowd who our siblings were while still showing some of us.

Temmy was going to keep Emma's dance and personality. But he was going to be a mix of her and Roman. I know totally opposite pair, and that's what he was going for, that bad ass part of Roman, but still Emma's corkiness. In ring he does mostly Roman's moves, but uses the Emma-lock and the Tarantula, along with the spear. His attire was going to be some shorts like Tyson Kidd used to wear with Temmy written on them in Blue and Orange.

Taylor of course is a show off just like Dolph,but he also has a bit of shyness. Even though he does have that side he's extremely Evan Bourne like in the ring. He even uses some high risk moves that some of his brothers friends taught him. Taylor was going to be wearing tights that had his name on side of them in blue and pink.

Cory's has this Seth personality, but it's mixed with Colby, which is basically his real personality. His move set though is incredibly awesome, it's kind of like Seth's too minus the high flying moves, he's afraid to do it.

Now I'm different from all of them. I'm a mix of Dean, AJ, and Tyler Breeze. I mostly incorporate my moves from Dean though, but I do have a little of AJ's move set. The only thing with the Tyler incorporation is that when people hit my face I may get more intense than before. Also I may on occasions do his finishing move, Beauty Shot.

When It was time for Raw, instead of going out there with Dean I was going to have a segment with Cory. We were going to do the segment right after the first match then start an impromptu match. I really hope I don't fuck the segment. They really think a bunch a teens can handle a segment about this new show, but also make it seem interesting, that's probably not going to happen, though.

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