Chapter 1

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Hey guys hope you like Chapter 1


"Ms.Good your partner is Mr.Savensky, Mr.Hatch, and Mr.Kennusky,"my teacher directed the partners. Lucky for me I got the four shittiest people I could have been partnered up with, and I'm pretty sure she knows that they tourney me. But I promised my mom I wouldn't talk back if she'd tell Jon about me.

"You got anything say about your group Ms.Good?"I gritted my teeth.

"No, ma'am,"I glared.

"Well, anyway class your project on the country I assigned you is due in a month, so have fun an if it's not finished by then, let's say you won't pass this year, because it's worth 75 percent of your grade,"she smiled, causing me to mentally sigh.

Thank god for the bell, now time for lunch, my favorite class period, and don't correct I know it isn't a class, trust me, my classes aren't that awesome to where I get to do whatever I want basically.Walking out the classroom I was met with my 3 awesome, kind, attractive partners.

"Hey look there's our delusional, freak of a partner,"Ryan Kennusky smirked.

"Dude, please get that face out of mine,because your breath smells like garbage, and with that face I don't want to catch what you have me," I smirked, making him push attempt to push me against the wall. Attempt key word lets just say I know every move my brother does, I'm the quarterback for my schools football team, and I take wrestling classes. For 5 years.And let's just say....they all were on the floor groaning and moaning in pain. Before any teachers could show up I scurried on into the cafeteria.

I may have been football player, but the guys weren't inviting especially since they think I'm delusional or something, so we don't hang out. I sat at the same table I'd say at everyday that was next to a window an gave me a sweet view that was artist worthy.

"Hey I'm at lost of any friends what so ever and seeing as you are sitting alone, can I sit with you?" came the voice of a guy.

"Sure, what's your name?"

"It's um, do you watch wrestling?"he asked shimming away for the question at hand.

"Yeah I live for it,"I honestly answered.

"Well, I'm Taylor Nemeth, but my real names Nick, not Nicholas,"he told, hesitantly.

"Oh so your Dolph Ziggler's brother, I'm Tyler Good,"I honestly told.

"Are you the sister of Dean Ambrose?"he asked.

"Yep, but he doesn't know about me, Mom doesn't want him to know."

"Oh, well my brothers coming today, he was bringing a couple of other wrestlers with him and he was supposed to come at lunch, since he didn't have anything to do and they were in Ohio for the week,"he informed.

"In fact I'm right here lil bro, and I brought fellow Ohioans, Mike and Dean with me, guys this is my little brother Taylor,"Dolph introduced them to Taylor as he walked up from behind us. I can't believe Dean's here after all not seeing him,but I can't tell him though.

"This is Tyler Good she watches WWE too, and plays football for our schools team,"he told.

"I didn't tell you that,"I chuckled.

"Yeah, but everyone else did, and also how you train too,"he told.

"Dude can I have your autograph,"Ryan Kennusky yelled.

"Leave Kennusky,"I glared.

"And why should I," he smirked.

"Because I said so, you don't deserve to be in the presence of the most must see WWE Superstar, the most awesome wrestler and Lunatic Fringe arguably in WWE, and his brother who executes the most awesome drip kick,"I told in his face as he walked away glaring.

"What's going on he was just asking for an autograph?"Jon wondered.

"Well, him and his friends aren't very nice to her, because she claims something,"he acknowledged the confused wrestlers.

"What'd she claim?"Dolph questioned, one eye raised up.

"I can't tell you,"I spoke. Hopefully no more accusations would be spewed around this camp I really didn't feel like doing what my mom should have done, and if you don't know it's telling Jon.

"Why not?"my brother spoke up.

"No reason, anyway I got to go Taylor, I don't need another detention," I saluted.

"But don't you have straight A's?"he questioned.

"I do, but that doesn't mean the teachers actually give a shit about me,"I screamed back.


"Hey what are you doing here, this is my football practice,"I informed.

"We wanted to see the school's star football player in action, since we can't see you play a game,"Nick told me.

"But I have a game on Wednesday you could, possibly come to,"I purposed.

"Seriously, I'm coming, is it a home game?"Dean questioned before his excitement went anywhere.

"Yeah, it is and she's going to be staring,"one of the more awesome players of the team, Kevin Burany, spoke.

"Burany, Good get on the field before I bench you two."

And that's when we ran onto the field. was hell basically, Kennusky ran his fucking mouth and we had to do suicides, from one end-zone to the other and to top it all off he made me throw a hundred balls and do wall sits, because I may have threw the ball at Kennusky's balls when he touched my butt, which is sexual harassment by the way.

"Alright ladies.....and gentlemen,"he said nodding at me,"I hope your ready for the Rangers on Wednesday, because that's the last practice you get until you straighten your asses up, now quarterback, break it down."

"Who's going to get destroyed on Wednesday?"

"The Rangers!"they called.

"By who!"

"The Cougars,"and that was our exiting, pretty stupid I know.


After I got dressed I found out that it was raining.

"Mother Nature hates me," I yelled straight when thunder and lightening made its appearance.

"You need a ride?"Nick chuckled.

"Yes, please.."

I got into the car and sat awkwardly by Taylor. Luckily when they dropped me off there was no questions asked. Sighing before I walked in, I sagged into the house.

"Hey mom,"I yelled.

"Come in the kitchen sweetie, I have a surprise for you."

"Food!"which wasn't what I'd gotten when I walked into the kitchen,"Oh, so you finally told Jon, hey you already know me I'm Tyler if you don't remember, and you were also at a little of my football practice and you know I'm kind of sweaty and stinky and hungry, so I got to go, talk to you later,"I quickly spoke.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"It's only 4:,"he informed, nodding my head,"can I come,"I asked.

(I don't know what time school in Cincinnati actually starts, but that's how it is in Texas and it works for the story)

"Yeah, just be down here in about 15 minutes."


I'm not sure if Dean actually visits his mom when he goes to his home town or if she lives there, but it works out that way.


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