September 6,2014- Chapter 14

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Hey I'm here with this episode.

I was slightly less nervous than I was before and I was so proud of myself, because of it. I may be lying a little right now. Our ratings for the show aren't the best ones and today Paul said he might cancel the show
If they he any worse.

Today,Colby was going to reveal the new championship none of us have seen. He would all have to go and stand out in the arena as the championship is revealed. Everyone except The Kid Authority.

Right now we had about 10 minutes before the actual show started. We were lining everyone up who wasn't in the Authority. Taylor, Temmy, and I would be towards the front of the line since we were in a rivalry with them.

When Colby's theme song started playing I knew the show was beginning to start. I gave a look of irritation as he passed me with the championship all wrapped up under a black blanket. I couldn't wait to see it, especially since I heard from a few of the WWE Superstars it was a work if art.

"Do as you know, Tyler Ambrose lost the Royal Rumble match last week and my little brother won the championship,"the crowd erupted in boos."You all know he's the future so you can just stop with all the booing."

"Anyway I've stalked long enough. I'd like to welcome to the ring Cory Rollins."

Cory's music played, and I could barely hear it over all the boos he was reviving from the crowd. It was so amazing, his was the first time something like this had ever happened. I would always remember this feeling if the crowd reacting.

As he got in the ring with a mic he smirked at the camera. Then looked me right in the eye and began to talk. Before he did though he sucked in a huge breath, while smiling.

"Hey guys, your champion is here, as John John Cena would say. Anyway I'd like to thank all you guys for believing in me after I won,"then he burst out laughing. "Do you really think I care if you wanted me to win or not, not really. I mean I'm better than every single person and married people out there combined."

"You did learn from the best ol'Cory, anyway talking to those people isn't what we came here for. We came here to present you with your championship, that you rightfully earned. "

Cory took the blanket off of the championship and every body leaned in including me. I know what's the point of leaning in when it's all the way in the ring and we're just on the ramp. But we had to play it off, so oh well.

The championship was beautiful. It was noting but white, except for the green jewels that was around the Kids logo for our show. There was also in big purple capital letters Cory's name. Did I forget to mention it was beautiful?

"This is also the title little Tyler Ambrose really wanted. But we all know the reason she loss is not just 'cause of her horrible wrestling ability it's because of how much she was thinking about how she really likes my brother,"my eyes bulged out and my blush came, I can't believe he just said that!

The camera man immediately gave me a microphone,"How dare you say an obscured comment like that. You don't know me or any of the people I like. And even if you did your brother is certainly not one of the people I so much as like!"

"Are you sure? I see that wanting gaze you have every time you see me,"why did his character have to be such a douche bag?

"Cory take your head out. Not every single person you come in contact with likes you,"Taylor quietly said through the mic he was given.

"You can shut it shrimp,"Sammie immediately retorted back.

"Don't talk to him like that, he may be small but he can kick your butt any day!"aww, Temmy's taking up for his man! Go boy! Sorry fan girl moment.

"Don't talk to her like that,"Peter an Brandon said in unison. They are like brothers after all.

"Hey ,how 'bout you we have a tag team match tonight. Temmy and Taylor v. Sammie and Peter,"Seth proposed. The crowd wen wild,"Well it's settled then."

When we got backstage I ran up to Colby. I had to confront him. He can't just do that to me in front of the whole world, we're Suppose to be enemies, Cory and I are.

"Colby you stupid piece of donkey meat why in the world would you say that! I mean.... Cory and I are supposed to be enemies and all you can't just try to make it a romance story line!"

"Calm down, you like him anyway so get over it!"

"Is it true you like me Tyler. I mean a lot of people say you do, but it's hard to believe."

"Hey Tina wait up!"I quickly ran off to Tina. Luckily I do actually need her.

Later on the show was going okay. I was trying to avoid Cory for the rest of the night. I didn't need awkwardness between us. We just started to become friends. I did an amazing job up until I had to see him for the tag team match that was to come. Hopefully he didn't do anything too drastic that would make me have to change the whole story line.

Oh yeah and um Sliverdust, who's real name is also Cory she's a cool girl really funny, and Dominick Mysterio went against Luna and Eric who so and their rivalry would continue to build for the Tag Team Tournament for the new tag titles. Before thy it was Tina v. Erika with Ryan.If you watch NXT Erika is Viktor's daughter and Ryan is Konnor's son they go out and are an adorkablee couple. Erika and Ryan won.

Andrew also had an interview in which Jullian attacked him. Other than that nothin big actually goes on. Hopefully the show stays like this. I really feel like I'm jinxing it right now like hardcore jinxing it.

When I got to the gorilla position Cory was staring right at me. Hopefully he wasn't going to do anything dramatic. We don't need that right now the ratings are already horrible for the show. I guess people don't like how we're kids and are fighting physically or something.

Why is he walking towards me. I don't need this right now. Please Marc send us out there now, please!

"Temmy and you two it's time for you to go out there,"Marc said.

We went out there to Temmy's music. I felt really relieved. That was until Cory and his crew had to come out for their entrance.

"Give me a mic!" Ronny, who was out there for some reason handed him one.

"Before we start this match I have to let this out. Tyler you've been ignoring me all day and now you can't go anywhere."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear this. Rejection sucks you know. I can't take any man I don't need it. Especially not before this match!"

"No that's-"he grunted then all of a sudden his lips were on mine. Was this really happening, I mean I totally thought he would have went for Casey or something. I know he was complimenting me, but I thought he was just being nice to me. Apparently not.

"You see I do like you, a lot actually, more than to realize,"he smiled, then that's when people got up and started to leave. I can't believe they're leaving. I even heard multiple boo's around there too.

Yep I've been thinking and I thought it was time for a cliff hanger and a surprise. You see the show on the story hasn't been successful. So now they're going to overcome it somehow hope your ready for it.


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