Chapter 9

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August 17th
I woke up with my face in the pillow. I really wanted to stay sleep. After a long night of running a show I think I really deserved to stay sleep. Why does Jon really think chuckling behind me is going to solve anything.

Why is Colby here, and Joe too, this is an injustice. Only if I had the shield, now I just have a bunch of brotherly like wrestlers who want to all go for the championship.

Maybe if I-,"Blah," that should've stopped them.

"Tyler get your ass up, or I'll go and get Cory,"Jon told.

"I don't care, he's less important than my sleep, so it doesn't really matter to me,"I mumbled.

"Do it Joe,"my brother said confusing me, until I felt the wrost sensation I've ever felt in my life.

"That's not even right,"I mumbled before going right back to sleep.

The next time I woke up I was lying in an unknown place. It was unknown before I looked up and saw a bunch of divas sitting and talking. When should I get up, wait who even took me in here?

"Looks like someone's woke, and has a lot on her mind," Emma chuckled.

"Yeah, who brought me here?""

"Your brother,"AJ answered.

I nodded then got up. What can I do right now, hmm maybe I can possibly go and look for some of my friends. That's if their here at ass crack a.m.
As soon as I walked out of the room I went out on a search to find certain people.

"I found you guys," O smiled when I saw all my friends.

"Well, I guess stepping beauty does actually wake up beautiful,"I heard something coming from Cory's area. The strange thing is, he's the only one over there.

"Thank you Cory, that was a nice compliment."

He looked flushed like he didn't expect me to actually hear. That just made him even cuter. He couldn't help bit smile, and I couldn't help but notice his little dimples.
August 18th----------------------------------
The next day it was Monday. This also was the last day Jon would be on Raw for a long time. I would have to travel with Taylor and Nick for the next month until Jon got back from filming Lockdown.

To say I was going to miss my older brother was an understatement. I mean I just met him probably weeks ago. Now he was leaving again, luckily for only a month.

When that cinder blocks part came I might of been extremely sad watching it in Taylor and I's hotel room. And Taylor being the friend he is gave me a hug.
August 19-------------------------------------
"I'm going to miss you brother,"i was really fighting tears.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"Well, I'm really going to miss you for the month I'm not going to see you man. Your my older brother for sales man,"my voice was shaking the whole time.

"How 'bout this, I'll call you every week until I come back, okay."

August 20-22--------------------------------
I spent the rest of my days crying a little here and there. Having sleepovers with my friends and catching up on all Teen Wolf and Master Chef. And also maybe watching some Smosh on YouTube,too

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