August 30, 2014- Chapter 12

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Hey guys I'm here, Your here we should become best friends.

"You ready for tonight's match?"Taylor asked when it was about a minute before the show started.

Little did he know I actually planned for him to get his first kiss on TV. All I'd really informed him about, was that he's need to ramble when Temmy brings up a question. The part r doesn't know is well, the first kiss part.

"Yeah, but are you ready?"

"Stop asking that, we sound like DX now, but yeah I am,"I'm so happy he is.

"Well that's good, because Temmy's here and so are the camera guys bye,"and with that I ran to the nearest TV I could finals as they began.

"Hey so, I know I already found out you liked me, but I wanted to confirm it from the actual source, like why do you like me?"

"Well, you've got that accent for one I mean dude it's like how you foreign people say American accents are hot. And plus well you have awesome Blonde hair that I really like,"c'mon Temmy better questions.

"So, what would you do if I was to kiss you right now?"

"Um, I'd obviously kiss you back why would I even reject someone who's like the hottest thing on Earth from kissing me, I mean that would be so stupid since I've had a crush on you since I saw you that day when we first started training. Wait did I call you the hottest person on Earth, I'm sorry I so did-"and right on cue he was kissed smack dab on the lips.

I could tell he was shocked, it made me so happy. Hopefully he doesn't kill me.

"Tyler!"and well I should run.

I ran laughing loudly as he tried to get me for that.

"Why'd you tell him to kiss me,"he asked after we'd both stopped.

"Well,because you guys needed to grow a pair, and half of he people who watch this I'm pretty sure ships you guys. "

"Hey, what about Cory and you,"he had the ' 'dafuq' face going on. It would've been funny, but he brought my never ending crush on Cory up.

"That's different, and don't ask me why, it just is."

"Hypocrite,"Colby smiled, who just so happened to pop up.

"Hey,"I can't believe he heard that, why couldn't at least be like someone else. I'd even settle for B-Banks over my crushes brother.

Before anything could get worse, I heard Bob and Marc yelling for the first 4 people, which were Cory, Stephen, Andrea Neville, and me. I quickly scattered away to the gorilla position.

Since I was number 1, I waited till after Bobbi, Eden's(Cody Rhodes's wife)brother, to say all the rules and stuff like how everyone would come out after a minute until all 32 people were in the ring.

"And our first participant is Tyler Ambrose,"and that was my cue to go through all that shiznit I do as I walk to the ring. "Entering at number 2 Cory Rollins."

I still very much loved his entrance music. I really need to talk to Hunter about getting the copyright thing for the Best Song Ever's instrumental version. Wait, um back to the match.

As the refs, who were Cassey and Jo along with their fathers, rung the bell we did nothing but stare one another down. Then that's when he went for a kick, which I dodged, the fighting began.

I grappled him to the ropes and that's when the countdown started.

"10, 9, 8......"and the crowd went on until Stphen came out.

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