Chapter 13

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August 31st

Today Taylor, Cory, Temmy, Peter, Sammie and I had to do some interviews that would appear on TV and let's just say I was so excited. Even though we had to fly to Maryland for the next show they made me fly to California on Sunday. First We'd appear on Ellen on Monday, then Connor Franta on Wednesday,and finally an interview with Smosh on Thursday.Then we would finally fly back on Friday.

I was sharing rooms with Sammie and Taylor, while Temmy, Cory, and Peter shared a room. That was the case until I might have yelled sleepover while we were in the lobby. And they agreed. So yeah we're having a sleep over tonight.

After we went out to eat we all piled in Peter and those guys' room. We all sat around the TV. Conveniently Cory brought his Xbox so we went to YouTube. We watched a range if videos from Superwomen, to Smosh, to Connor Franta, and others.

September 1st-----------------------------

I was so excited for the Ellen show. I mean it's Ellen, who wouldn't be excited?It was about 7 a.m. when I had finally got to be I stage with her.

"Welcome to the stage Tyler Ambrose, Cory Rollins, Temmy Dashwood, Pete McMahon, Sammie Jacobs, and Taylor Ziggler,"she introduced us.

We sat down on that famous coach and kind of stuck by each other's side. Even though Cory is supposed to be in a feud with Taylor and I we got permission to be a little nice to each other. But we were going to act kind of mean to one another.

"So is it okay for you three to be by Cory, Sammie, and Peter. I know you guys kind of don't like each other at all."

"Well, I mean your best friend is also your wrost enemy,"Temmy rolled his eyes.

"Actually Ellen, there's a thin line between love and hate you know,"Taylor smiled.

I gave him a death stare. Why on Earth would he say something relatively close to something like that. Luckily, Ellen moved on to talk about our brothers or fathers and what not. Before I knew it the interview was over an we were in our way back to the hotel we'd checked into when we first got here.

September 2nd---------------------------

"So Truth or Dare,"Cory smirked as soon as the bottle landed on Temmy.

"Ummm, I'm feeling brave tonight, so Truth."

What? He makes no since,"Don't you mean you don't feel daring?"

"No, I know what I meant, because the questions can actually be quite revealing and scary. "That's Temmy logic for you.

"Anyway, um. When did you first fall for Temmy,"and all the blood seemed to rush to his face.

"Well, I'd seen him before when Emma had brought me here, and he just so happened to there too. And well for me it was love at first sight,"aw he's so adorable. "And well yeah let's just say my mind went a little um in the teenaged part of my brain. The one with raging hormones."

"You had a wet dream about me, the day we met! I mean I had one about you too, but I mean your 15. And you actually think I'm hot?"

Before this could get anymore awkward for the rest of us I told Temmy he still had to spin. And that broke the awkwardness for the rest of the night. Some if it.

The rest if the night we played more games and other things happened. We had fun though. And for some reason we even played Spin the Bottle and Marry, Kill, Bang.

September 3rd---------------------------

Today was Wednesday. And I'd finally get to me the man of my dreams ,who wasn't Cory. I mean Connor's freaking hot. I'm so awkward. Also Jon was taking us so I can't show any emotion about it what so ever.

We got Connor's house in Sacramento and I might have been kind if blushing the whole time. I blush at weird times though so I'm used to it. Like one day I started to blush when this dude I didn't even like called me beautiful but ugly because I played football. I mean he did laugh at me, but after I punched him he didn't.

"Hey you guys welcome to my apartment,"he was just too cute for my liking. I can't take I might die from being surrounded by the most cute dudes I've seen in my life.

"Hey Connor,"I said. My blush was still there, too.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"You too Connor. And you seem kind of confused so I'll help. I'm Peter. Those two love birds over there are Temmy, the one with the blond hair is, while the others his boyfriend Taylor. That over there is Sammie. And those two people over there are Tyler and Cory."

"Thanks I was kind if confused."

We filmed a video on his channel of coincidentally, Truth or Dare. It was really enjoyable. Peter outed my love for Connor and I might have chased him around his house. He didn't seem all that angry though, I hope.

After filming we left and made out way to Jon's movie filming. We spent the rest of the hours with him until we had to go home. We had to be there extra early for Smosh, but I was looking coward to meeting Ian and Anthony.

September 4th----------------------------

Today was just going to be Cory and I. The others didn't want to go. We rode over to their studio in the car with Nick who'd come just today and stayed in the hotel we ditched.
He wanted to make sure we were supervised by someone since Jon had to continue filming.

"So you two ready to meet Smosh?"

"Yep,"and the rest if the car ride was silent.

When we got to their studio Cory was jumping with excitement. He had a man-crush on both if the guys. Yep we'd learned that from his Instagram when he was sleep. He'd posted it for some reason. He said it was a dare though.

"Hey, nice to meet you I'm Tyler and this is Cory."

"Nice hair dude,"Ian the one with the old Justin Beiber hair told Cory.

"Thanks, Ian."

It was actually quite casual and what not but I did have a lot of fun. We even got to play on the mincer and I got to beat them in Just Dance and show them how it's done. Seeing Anthony pout was priceless.

September 5th----------------------------

We went to Maryland as soon as Cory and I rode back. I had fun though in L.A. it was better than people explained it. But I would hate to move out there. It's hotter than Texas.

As soon as we got back I fell asleep for the rest of the day. I had a big day ahead of me. I mean I still hadn't planned out the next next weeks show and in order for me to print them put for them I really needed to.


I know there wasn't very much detail about the interview, but I wanted to let you guys use your imagination on how things went. Also because I'm horrible at making interviews things. And stuff.

Sorry for those who aren't really into the YouTubers I mentioned but I want ed to show the media part that I usually don't have in the story. Also comment me on how the story's going please. I love my followers feed back.


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