Chapter 27

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Hoped you like the last chapter guys.
Preview of what happened before:

"I can't fucking do this anymore, I'm going too end it. I have to, no one likes me. I'm just a 13 year old with voices in his head that won't leave me alone."

There was nothing but complete silence. My eyes widened and I ran into the restroom. Tears running down my eyes afraid I didn't make it in time to save his life.


June 16th

I smiled when I saw nothing had happened. "Stop,"I yelled. He jumped in surprise and dropped the blade he had in his hand. I ran to give hum the biggest hug in the world.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you had voices talking to you?"

"My parents would've put me in a psycho house, and I didn't want that."

"Thou know there are pills for this type of thing right?"

"Yeah, but I want thinking about those atthe time."

"It's okay I'll help you tell them, if you want to tell them."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Hey, when did you become Bisexual?"

"Well I was watching wrestling and I started Yahoo notice wrestlers butts Stardust to be specific, and then I started noticing their bulges too, and that they didn't look half bad either," he blushed as he told me his discovery.

"Why did you lie on Cole Jr?"

"Because I have a freakish crush on him from when I shared a room with him one day when I was here with my parents. I came back to the hotel, and lo and behold there he was dripping wet with only a towel to co err his nether regions. Dude unlike his father he has an amazing six pack."

"Damn, I didn't think M.C.J was doing it like that, anyway I need you to come with me to either tell the guys or your parents."

"Can we tell the gang first, I would feel more comfortable with them knowing first. After all I don't think they'd freak on me for hearing voices, especially Brandon saying the situation that Randy used to be in when he was younger in the WWE."

"Wait Randy really did hear voices?"

"Yep, ever since he was a kid, well that's what he told me."

"You want to tell them now or....." I wasn't sure if I was rushing him or not, especially with what he just revealed to me.

"Yeah sure, let's text them to meet us at that pizza shop down the street." I texted Taylor, Cory, and Brandon, while he texted Sammie, Luna, and Temmy. They all for their five minutes after us, and I was nerves for him.

This was a big thing to tell people about you, but luckily no one should judge him at all. I looked over at Peter to see how he was doing, and he looked like he was going to pass out as any minute.

"Hey peoples," Brandon greeted, walking in like he's the first one here. "So why are we here, I'm missing Master Chef for this."

He's such a dick sometimes, but I love him either way. Just because he's Brandon. And I don't know any person who doesn't love Brandon.

"Well, today guys I tried to kill myself, but Tyler saved me."

The grins were all gone from their faces and worry soon was replaced. "What do you mean?" Taylor asked.

"Well I've been hearing voices in my head since I like forever."

"Why didn't you tell anyone,"Temmy asked, almost crying.

"Well, I was afraid you guys would leave like my old friends did, you know. I've become so close with you people that I don't ever want to let you go."

"That's sweet in all, but dude none of us would ever leave, especially Brandon with Randy's ordeal," Cory had tears already streaming down his face, he couldn't control it. He had always been a big softie, especially when he sees one of those movies where something sad happens to the main character.

"I wasn't thinking man."

"Well start coming to us before you delete side,anything drastic, dude," Sammie, softly spoke.

He nodded. "Group hug," Luna yelled. That girl is always happy no matter what the situation is, it's so strange. But she's really awesome in situations like these.

We all embraced one another and said I love you'd. We've known each other for like some months now, and we're already one big family. And I wouldn't want anything,more.

"Can you feel the love tonight," Brandon sung, as we all burst out laughing.

If your wondering why I changed the title it's because Tyler's 14 now and I didn't want to stop the story because she turned that age. Her birthdays on March 1st by the way.

Peter, Tyler and Taylor are 14

Brandon and Cory's 15

Sammie, and Luna are 16

Temmy's the only one who hasn't had his birthday yet.

I really loved this chapter. It showed where their friendship was, and showed a soft side to Peter along with a bit of Luna's happy go lucky personality.


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