Chapter 23

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Boo. Did I scare you?


November 26th 2014

"Bye Cory. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, but don't worry the day after Thanksgiving, I'll be there with you. Well not the day, but something around that time."

"I know but that such a far time away!"

"Okay, and tell Colby I said hi, and that he needs to get on his Xbox, so I can beat him online. Oh yeah I like you very very much!"

"Okay, and tell Jon and Renee I said Hi. I like you very very very much too."

"Bye Sammie tell Luna I said Hi. Brandon tell Randall I said hi, and Temmy tell Emma I said hi. Bye you guys love you ,so much,"they returned it with the same response.

"What about me?"

"I'm kidnapping you, duh. Your not going home, buddy,"I smiled.

"No, your actually coming with me."

"Al right Tyler, let him go with his family."

I really am going to miss him. But this gives me more time with just my family. Maybe I can even do some catching up with Jon about when I was little. I did spend time with when I was in WWE, but he went to go film so fast that I didn't even get to learn anything about him.

2 hours later

"I'm home."

"Hey Jon. Come in here so I can whip your a-anus in this game."

"Whip my ass, your delusional."

"Before you go and get your ass beat by a girl son, you've got to come say hey to your mamsey, son."

"Hey mom,"since those two are taking so damn long I guess I should beat Kennusky's ass then.

Okay so basically she beat Ryan's ass in the game then Jon and Mama Good had a conversation. Jon finally did go and beat Jon's ass like she said she would. So on she fell asleep, then Jon carried her out of the living room and into her bed.


November 27th, 2015 Thanksgiving

We all decided that we wouldn't say what we're thankful for because it's pointless. Well actually because we all agreed on the same thing. Each Other.

"Mom, I have never told you this but...............I really love your cooking."

"I have to agree with her on that mom."

"Do you think we should tell her?"


"How would you like to be on this new show on the WWE Network, called Highschool's here, but these aren't YET?"

"What's it about?"

"Just showing you guys in school."

"Really! Of course I'd like to come back,only if my friends can too though.

"They can, we've already done all of the things your going to ask have we done, the answer is yes," my mom's always a step ahead of me.

"When am I going to go?"

"As soon as school ends, because the show is called High school's here,but these aren't YET, so first you have to be in highschool. I don't want you looking dumb when your learning Chemistry, and whatever math class."

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