Chapter 4

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When we got to Washington, D.C. it was extremely early. But I was still hyper from being on the road with my older brother. It was so unbelievable that I couldn't go to sleep or stop annoying Jon, the whole plane ride. When we got to our room I was basically gone,until I was awoken by a tap on the shoulder.

If there is something you don't know about me it is that, a single touch of a finger can wake me up from the best sleep ever.

"Come on get up, training time!"my brother smirked, as I turned to look at him in my groggily state.

"Dude, I don't wanna,"I whined laying back down.

"If you-",before he could finish I interrupted.

"I'm up, I'm up."


After I was dressed and all we went to this local gym and their was many superstars there. But when I saw Taylor I was ecstatic. I hadn't seen him since Wednesday.

"So are you starting training today?"he asked.

"Yeah, what about you Tay?"

"Yeah I am."

"Kids! Today were are not working in the ring, first you have to be ready to get down and dirty,"Jon stated.

"But why?"an Australian accent came. I turned towards it and saw this guy, who was hot and had red tips in his blonde hair, not my type though. As I saw Taylor goggly eying him I kind of nodded towards him to ask if he was gay or not. He nodded and blushed.

But I hoped this new guy was gay too, because I totally don't want my new gay best friend to go through anything. I'm so happy I have a gay best friend, I always wanted one. Especially one as adorable as Taylor.

"Who are you?"Taylor's confident-self was now gone and swallowed by the obvious heart eyes he had for this guy.

"I'm Emma's brother, my names Temmy Dashwood, and it's Temmy with an e not an i,"he informed.

"I'm Tyler and that socially awkward son of a gun is Taylor Nemeth,"I introduced.

"I am no where near socially awkward, and you can just go check all of my trophies in my room,"he bragged.

"You really are Dolph's brother,"he chuckled.

"Guys, you can meet later, but right now I want 30 crunches and squats each then tell me when your finished,"he told.

When he left we began to do our work.

Time to do some hopeful hooking up, if Temmy's gay.

"Hey guys we should play 21 questions, so our work can go by faster,"I stated.

"Sure,"they agreed simultaneously.

"I'll ask first, we each get 7 questions,"Temmy stated,"Are you two gay, bi, or straight?"

"I'm gay."

"I'm straight,"I answered.

"Okay, um, what are you guys' favorite colors?"Taylor asked.


"Blue,"I stated.

The rest of the game I learned a bunch of things about both guys that I didn't know, but I still needed to find out whether Temmy would be interested in Taylor or not.

After awhile we were finished and told Dean and he told us to come into the ring. As we were about to start another person ran in who was about my age, looked adorkable, with his glasses, black hair, a quarter of it ginger, and pale skin. And I had heart eyes. Are all WWE wrestlers siblings hot or something?

"Hey sorry I'm late, I'm Cory Lopez,"he introduced.

"It's good to see you again Cory, now come on I'm trying to see if you guys can sell a bump,"Jon directed.

He pointed for me to go first, and told Taylor to pretend to hit me, and demonstrated how to do an open-fist hit to the air. And when Taylor attempted I immediately did a bump.

"Well, your better than half of the divas on the roster, I can tell you were in training,"my brother complimented.


After our training we went to the MITB Arena since it was Sunday. It was about 4 o'clock, so we didn't have to actually get changed until later. Jon was going to let me come to the ring with him, while Taylor came with Nick. We couldn't wait and the impatience in us was going to make us explode.

"Well, I see you 2 are ready,"Nick chuckled.

"You expect us not to be, when we're debuting our entrances as your siblings, this is epic!"I yelled.

"Hey guys,"Cody/Stardust came and say at our catering table.

"Do how's it like to be without your makeup?"Taylor asked.

"It makes me feel about 200 pounds lighter in the face,"Cody admitted.

I chuckled at his response and began eating the food that I had gotten before Cody came. After I finished eating I went to Jon's locker room, and knocked on the door. I was here to get what I'd be wearing for tonight from him.


We were standing there waiting to come out, we were going to be the last ones to have our entrance, while Taylor and Nick would come out before Kofi, but after Zeb and Swagger, making him come out 4th. I couldn't wait to see Taylor mimic his brother's every move. Especially the butt shake it would be funny to see of he had any rhythm what so ever.

But before they were to come out the Lopez boys had to come out, and Cory would debut as Cory Rollins with his adorkable face. He waved at us before he went to do his entrance. When he became Cory Rollins it was a different ball game. He wasn't being adorkable, well he was, but with a hint of bad boy. Why did he have to be so damn adorkable? This isn't fair, hopefully Jon isn't one of those over protective.

After he came out, he went to sit at commentary. Then it was finally time for me to be entertained by Taylor's hip movement. Hopefully he wouldn't be horrible, so I don't have to laugh at my best friend. He was actually pretty good, and I had to really compliment him on that.

Once everyone else did their entrance it was finally mine and Jon's turn. I started to shake around and then I got into my character that was kind of like Jon's and pretended to despise Cory, but that of course was the exact opposite. I lowered my eyes did a few air punches , then went to sit by Taylor at commentary.

"Your brothers going down Rollins,"I sneered," and no offense Taylor, but while Dean's kicking Seth's butt, he'll take the briefcase too."

"Tyler.....Tyler, I love you and all, but lying gets you no where,"he said.

"You two delusional my brother will win no matter what, your forgetting that there's always, and I mean.... always a plan b, to make sure he wins,"he smirked.

We spent the rest of the night over commentary, calling the match, and not giving the real commentators time to actually make their stupid remarks. It was actually quite funny. Every time JBL, Michael Cole, or King tried to speak we always either argue or make a remark on how awesome that spot was, it was quite entertaining actually.

After the match was finished and Seth had won, with the help of Kane. When we were all backstage we all burst out laughing at how we kept cutting off the announcers. But it soon dropped when we were called into Stephanie an Triple H's office.

We knocked timidly, I really didn't know how this was going to go. Hopefully well.


Well that's the chapter. Hoped you guys liked it.

~Alicia Douglas~

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