Chapter 11

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"Nanny!" Meghan shrieked making me bolt wide awake and look for the source of the shrieking.

I crawled towards Taylor's door and quickly got up heading into Meghan's room.

"Is there a fire? Is there a physco clown? Oh my god are their zombies outside?" I rushed towards the window and sighed when there wasn't a zombie in sight.

"Chase Andrews and Lexi Blanco are dating!" She screamed jumping up and down in front of me.

I screamed along with her and we hugged each other jumping around the room.

"They are so perfect for each other!" I said.

"I am gonna die!!" Meghan said.

"Can the two of you shut up!? People are trying to sleep!" Arianna snapped poking her head through the door before slamming the door shut.

"How did you find out?" I asked Meghan as we broke apart from our hug.

"Rosie posted a video of the two. Laptop dinged and I dove for it. Look." I jumped onto her bed and rested my head on my hands. She replayed the video and I drank it in.

It was dark and then the lights turned on to see Lexi Blanco in a short red dress and her hair curled to perfection. In front of her stood some white curtains with the sign, "For Lexi Blanco!"

"Chase? Chase where are you?" She asked looking around.

Then the curtains were pulled back and it revealed Chase Andrews with members of the Endless Summer.

"Just remember Lexi, I will always love you!" Drummer boy Henry, shouted. Then they began to play and Chase began to sing.

"Lexi Blanco will you be my girlfriend!?" Chase then shouted as the song ended. I squealed but Meghan then put her hand on my mouth to shut me up.

"Names Alejandra. Not Lexi. Alejandra." She said and the camera moved to a better angle to see Lexi and her reaction.

"Alejandra Blanco will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" Chase asked when he was face to face with Lexi.

"What's in it for me?" She asked and I wanted to scream. What idiot in their right mind would think about saying no to Chase Andrews?

"You get to date a gorgeous lad with gorgeous hair." Bruno, the bass player said.

"Go to the Grammy's with him. Have all the guys wishing you were with them instead of him." James, the guitar player said.

"Free food and wi-fi at his house." Charlie, the lead singer of Endless Summer said.

"Have thousands of girls asking for your head because you took their future husband." Henry said and the others sent him glares which he just sheepishly smiled to.

"And I will be faithful to you, care for you when you are sick or just feel lazy. I will make you food when you ask and give you space when you need it. I will give you the world if you want it. I'll get jealous easily and will protect what is mine even if it gets you annoyed. I just want you. You and me." Chase added in and I think I had tears forming in my eyes.

"Will you still like me with my demons? I'm not the girl with a perfect life. The day you met me I was running away from people who tried to kill me actually almost did. I get mad when I am hungry and sad when there is no food. I will sleep a lot and always say I have no life and no soul. I'm not the happiest person to be with in the morning and try to fight you constantly. My walls are built up high around my heart and I don't forgive easily. Tell me Chase, do you want to be with a girl who can be your worst enemy and try to push you away when things get tough?" Lexi asked and Meghan attached her hand to my arm.

The Nanny(Editing!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن