Chapter 22

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You get in the biggest fights with the people you care about the most because those are the relationships that you're willing to fight for ~unknown

"I'd say I'm surprised to see you here, but considering all the shit you've done I'm not. This is your future, being in the station, going to jail, all your life," Officer Greene smirked, standing in front of me.

"And Riley's future is killing people. Did you know she got a snake, a poisonous snake, to bite an innocent girl? I'm sure you did because the second the incident was reported you were erasing all traces of Riley being connected to it. Riley is gonna end up just like the baby she aborted. Ten feet underground with no one caring about it," I snarled.

That baby, is in a cemetery with no grave to visit it at. Riley had gotten the child out of her and her parents put it in a coffin for a proper burial. But, there was no name on the grave, like many of the other babies in that small section of the cemetery.

"You know it's true but you can't do a danm about it. You can't threaten me without someone overhearing. You can't hit me, pepper spray, none of that shit. And if you do I always find a way to get evidence. One word with the sergeant and poof! You're out of the station, bitchier than your daughter," I smirk as his face turned a light shade of red.

"You aren't always going to have that brave little face bitch. You're going to break. Depression, those attacks, who knows what else is wrong with you, no one is going to love that. You have a better chance at a suicide than finding someone who loves you. No one wants a bitch like you," He growled.

"Everything alright here?" Dean Stephens, the director said as he took a seat at the desk I was at.

"Greene giant was just telling me how big of a bitch I was and how I have a better chance of suicide than finding someone who loves me," I reply with a smile.

"Is that so? We'll talk about that later Greene. But now, get out of the station," Dean said making me snicker as Greene ran as if his life depended on it.

"Why's he still here? You know he doesn't bust his daughter or her friends when they cause a good portion of crime here in Buena Vista," I say facing Dean who typed on his computer.

"No evidence. No reports. No case against him. No bye bye Greene," Dean said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hope a dog bites him," I mumble.

"You and me both. Anyways I've called you here for your little incident at school. You've got consequences. For all of three of them. Underage drinking, possession of alcohol, and evading arrest," Dean said reading off one of the papers he had brought with him to his desk.

I let out a groan, "That wasn't mine. Noah was given a bottle of alcohol and he left it on Jeremy's desk. I drink out of it and immediately spit it back out. I am innocent!"

"So you're saying this Noah kid is an accomplice?"

"No! He didn't know. Harry Leon gave it to him, but he didn't drink out of it or anything," I quickly added.

"Any evidence saying Harry Leon had given it to Noah?"


"Takes awhile for us to get the test results back. You'll be out of school for at least two months before we get the results," Dean said and I let out a sigh.

"What if I can get Harry to confess?"


"The person who sold it to him to confess? Because I know that Russian liquor isn't sold here in stores. Not even in the states. It's illegal. So I've researched all I possibly could and read off an article that the liquor is made like in small camps in Russia. It's a mix of dangerous chemicals and to hide the smell they add a small amount of blueberries. The death count is over the hundreds," I said, getting tired of this conversation.

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