Chapter 15

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Jamie was soon picked up by her nanny who was a bitch. Well...almost. She said I had doubled her work by getting Jamie soaked in water and didn't even have the nerve to dry her up. Technically she was changed-Sarah has a drawer full of Jamie's clothes when she sleeps over-but her hair was still wet.

When she decided to get up in my face to intimidate me I flipped. I grabbed Jamie and hid her behind before throwing a glass of water at the nanny and slamming the door.

She banged on the door and I called Jones to escort her off the property. Now Jamie is sleeping over.

"Can you be my nanny?" Jamie asked as I served her another bowl of reheated chicken soup. The poor thing was licking the bowl clean.

"She is my nanny," Sarah declared.

"So she stays here," Tyler added.

"And will not leave us," Trey said.

"Ever," Taylor mouthed making me break out a smile.

"But your nannies never last a week with you guys," Jamie whined.

"I like this nanny," Both Arianna and Meghan said.

"I like the money that's going to arrive in my desert of a bank account," I said as they all stared at me before throwing their napkins at me.

"Hey now, that bank account has been empty since forever. There is no need to throw napkins at her. Its not her fault her brothers wouldn't let her get a job," Sam teased as he put my head to his chest and stroked my hair.

"You have brothers? Can they be my nanny?" Jamie asked with big eyes as she sat on my lap.

"I don't think so. They aren't the type of people to take care of small children. They prefer dogs to small children,"

I could never imagine Adam dressing Jamie up. Victor would probably teach her how to fight. Ashton....Ashton would show her how to work on a car. It would never work out.

"But I'm not small," Jamie whined.

"You're smaller than I am. Anything my height is small but you are just considered tiny."

"But I want a new nanny!"

"Well you can't have my nanny. She's mine. And only mine," Sarah said as she pushed Jamie off my lap and sat on me.


"Oh look someone who loves me! Sam give me my phone. Sam! Oh my gosh, Sam do not answer!" To late Sam had the phone on his ear and began to chatter wildly.

"Mia loves Sam Michelson. How may I help you? Oh, it's you I thought it was Alison. What? What do you- Don't, I'll take care of it. Tell Ashton and Victor if it happens that whole place will be shut down," Sam growled out. His face turned from happy and teasing to angry and murderous.

"What's wrong? Are they okay?" I asked.

Sam rubbed his face as he let out a long sigh. "Joel fired the guys. Says they haven't reported to work. He won't listen to the doctor reports either. Your brothers don't have jobs anymore."

And here we go again with the problems. Can't I ever get a break?! Next thing you know is that unicorns exist and I got knocked up.

"Hand me my phone," I demanded as I saw red. Nothing was going to stop my inner demon to come out.

"Are you sure? You look a little uneasy," Arianna said.

"I wouldn't argue with her Ari. When you mess with something that matters to Mia it's better to not get involved. The less the witness the better," Raymond said as he handed me his phone.

The Nanny(Editing!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora