Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this? Last nanny said they were abominations and belong in the caves of hell," My brother Adam said as he drove me to the house.

The house that would become like a second home to me. Or should I say mansion? Mansion is a much better word for it. The house was huge. But it wasn't the biggest I've seen or lived in.

"Adam I need a job. We live together but that does not mean I will let you pay everything. Plus, I can handle anything. I live with you and you're like satan himself. Besides, have you met anyone that is meaner than I am?" Adam punched my arm hard enough to make me bruise and I laughed before doing the same to him.

"Mia we are fine paying bills. Please do not wrinkle that little head of yours with finding a job. There is no need for you to be working as a slave for this household. Victor and Ashton want you to have that pretty model look so you have an easy job when you're older. You know so you can hook us up with some hot models. We want beautiful children." Adam stopped the old beat up Camaro in front of the big house and let out a sigh.

How hard can a job be? I mean I make clothes and sell them and that doesn't seem so hard. But then again that was clothes and not children. How hard was it to take care of children?

"I already look like a model so doesn't matter. Stick with aunt Trish and you can see and fall in love with all the models she works with! I love you brother! Don't forget to pick me up at ten." I give Adam a sloppy kiss on the cheek and get out of the Camaro by slipping out the window. The door was busted and well we don't have the money to fix it. Yet.

I walked to the door and rang the doorbell. I turn to Adam one last time and he gives me a thumbs up. I could do this. My first job and I prayed I wouldn't fuck it up.

My first job was as a nanny. A nanny to kids who are considered demonic entities. Demons possessed the small children to make them so mean that all the past nannies quit before they even received their paycheck.

An episode of Supernatural could clear that up easily.

Or not. Some demons are tougher than others.

The nervousness I felt was worse than I felt during finals. I, the Mia Stone had a job. My five feet two and half inches could handle anything and was going to handle this job. A job considered to be impossible. A job that payed more than two minimum wage jobs combined.

Mom and dad didn't let me get a job when I was old enough to start working. They had enough money to go on as long as the company made money. Which would be when my children's children and their children were dead. But then again half the family members on my father's side hated us.

Even now at age eighteen I wasn't allowed a job. But I never listen to the boys. I get my way one way or another.

"Welcome Miss Stone," Richard, the man who will sign the paychecks I will receive, greeted me with. He was a tall man with blonde hair and brown eyes. His face was permanently etched with seriousness and anger. Not even a smile was on his face on this beautiful day.

"The kids are upstairs in their rooms. Here is a list that tells you what to do at certain times of the day. There is a total of 6 kids located here in this house along with Gomez, Coco, and Daisy. The last three are the dogs. They don't take in new strangers well, Everything you need to know is on this list. In the kitchen is the schedule of day by day activities my children do. Thank you Miss Stone for becoming the nanny. I must go, I have a meeting to attend at the company."

And with that the boss man left in a sleek cherry red Corvette, leaving me to do my job.

Richard Hudson was CEO of some company that provided smartphones. They were easy to use, affordable, and well they were hard to crack the screen. Actually I don't know about the last one, but the people I see with those phones don't have a cracked screen.

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