Chapter 30

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"Please! Let me go! I won't tell the cops! I won't tell anyone just please let me go!" I screamed as I could still feel the electricity going through my veins. My body shook at the thought of the electrocution.

"Valentina Castro! Where is she?!" The man roared at me as he used a pair of brass knuckles to hit me. Hit me hard enough to wish I was dead.

"I don't know! I don't know who you're talking about!"


"She's endured everything. She ain't talking. You sure this is the girl Candy was talking about?" Someone else questioned as he came out flipping a pocketknife.

The exhaustion filled my body. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to go home. Coach Pepsi would be looking for me. I just don't disappear from football games. Especially after them.

Sam was probably too busy with Jane Reagan to notice where I was.

I was in the McDonalds parking lot when they plucked me out of the street. They dragged me inside the van and hit me with something on the head.

Everything else was blank.

I had been gone for more than a week. Each day was a new torture. Information for Valentina, that's what they wanted.

I wasn't a rat. She may have betrayed me by leaving, but I would never do that to her. I loved her too much.

So I have stayed quiet. I endured the pain and begged for mercy. No one had it. They have put my body in boiling hot water and then they put me in below freezing water. I melted the ice in seconds.

Drowning me.

Wrapping barb wire around my body, pushing me around so my skin would be pricked.

Hanging me off the ceiling with the rope too tight on my wrists. I bled for a long time. Then tying me by feet and keeping me in the position until I blacked out.

Beating me with metal pipes until I was so black and blue I resembled a splattered painting. At least four of my ribs were broken along with a bone in my leg. My shoulder was out of place, but someone had put it back into place.

Then it was electrocuting me.

I never have wished to be dead like I was right now. I wanted the pain to end. I wanted it all to be over like some bad dream.

"We just want information on the girl. Do that and we won't have to keep up with our tortures," The one who came out of the shadows said as he wiped the blood that dripped down my temple. He was the kinder out of the two, but he obviously was the sidekick.

"I don't know her! What of that don't you understand?!" I screamed at him and his friend took another swing at me, making me see spots.

This is how it went on for what seemed an eternity. That is until someone else showed up. I couldn't see anything with all the spots in my vision, but I instantly recognized the voice.

"Has she talked at all?" He asked and my blood boiled.

He was the man who killed my parents. He was the one who ran. He was the reason my parents were ten feet underground. Leandro Hobbs.

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