Chapter 5

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"W-What do you mean he was in an accident?" I stuttered.

"A drunk driver hit him a-and its bad Mia. Get to the hospital. They don't know if he'll make it." Even through the phone I could hear the fear he had. Victor never lost his cool, calm, aura.

"I'll be right there." I said and hung up.

"What happened?" Arianna asked peeking her head in the kitchen.

"My brother was in an accident. I have to go. Will you all be okay while I'm gone?"

Her eyes widened but she quickly nodded, "I'll take care of them. Go take the hummer."

I didn't have to be told twice. I ran out of the house forgetting about the hummer.

The only hospital in Buena Vista was 6 blocks away from the Hudson's house. I ran as fast as my legs could take me and didn't care about the cars driving.

I needed to see Adam.

I made it to the hospital and it was full of people running in and out of the building.

I ran into the elevator and immediately pushed the close button and the emergency and critical condition room button.

My foot tapped quickly as I watched the numbers slowly change.


The elevator door opened but not on the floor I wanted it to. A guy walked in and the elevator doors closed.

"Heading to the emergency room?" He asked but I was to distracted to even answer.

"Okay then." He mumbled.

The doors to the elevator opened and I ran out to the receptionist.

"Emergency room! Where is it?! Where is the fucking emergency room? Tell me!!" The nurse looked startled when I shouted.

"Hold on! Hold on!" She said as I ran towards where I thought the emergency room was.

"Move!" I shouted to the doctors as I looked between the curtains thinking Adam was there. I entered a room where they had the lights brighter than normal.

Doctors surrounded the table as did the nurses assisting him. They were blocking the patient but I knew who it was.

"Adam!!" I shouted as a nurse moved out of the way and I saw the face of my brother.

"You can't be in here," One nurse said as they noticed my presence. Two people behind me grabbed my arms and tried dragging me out of the room.

"No!!! What happened to him!?! Adam!!!!" I screamed trying to get out of the male nurses' grips. I was dragged out of the emergency wing and into the waiting room.

"Mia!!" Ashton shouted and I got out of the nurses grips and ran to him. He hugged me tightly and it felt like we were both sharing the pain.

"W-what specifically happened?" I asked as he let go.

"We got into a fight and he left to I don't know where. The drunk driver....drove through the red light and...collided with Adam. I tried to get to him as fast as I could as the car caught fire. It....It burnt his leg."

I stared in shock at what he said. Its not possible. Adam always called me when he fought with the others.

"This is all your fault!!!"

I turned around and Victor came towards us, like an angry bull. He came towards Ashton and tried to punch him but Ashton dodged it.

I stepped in front of Ashton and Victor seemed to not notice as he punched my jaw.

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