Chapter 17

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The strong aroma of alcohol made me return to my senses. Even though I didn't want to but I just could not stand the smell of it.

As I slightly opened my eyes I saw the room was dark or as dimly lit it could possibly be.

"She's awake!" Someone shouted an I snapped my eyes closed.

My head was pounding for some unknown reason as I began to slowly open my eyes again. Ten pairs of eyes stared back into mine.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked as I was sat up by someone. I turned around to see a doctor. My checkup doctor.

"Welcome back to the real world," Doctor Ensminger smiled.

"Why does my head hurt?" I asked as I clutched onto it for dear life. It was terrible.

"What do you remember?" Victor asked.

What was Victor doing here? What is the doctor doing here?


"How many fingers am I holding?" Alison said as her hand was raised.

" wait four, just kidding it's five right?" I said as her hand began to slightly move and morph.

"She has a concussion and it could possibly be dangerous," Ensminger said as he made me follow his finger with my eyes.

"Do you remember anything?" Arianna asked with a golden colored dress on. She looked beautiful in it.

"...I remember Victoria and Alison looking for dresses. Well, Ali was and Tori layed on the couch. Then....." I began to rack my brain trying to remember what happened after.

"Do you remember me?" Xander asked and I could faintly see the start of a black eye. He had blood on his nice dress shirt along with some buttons ripped off.

"Something about were bringing some pizza," I mumbled as I played with my thumbs.

"And us?" Victor and Ashton said.

"Enough! She has a mild concussion and it's bad for her to try and remember anything. Now I am going to tell you this very slowly Mia.," Doctor Ensminger said as if I were an idiot. Which I wasn't.

"No sports, no learning, okay what time is it?" I asked as I got up with the help of Meghan.

"Five thirty," Tori said.

"We're leaving children," I said as I got up and everyone grabbed my arms so I wouldn't stumble to the ground. I was fine. I didn't need to be treated like a baby. I was the one who treated people like a baby.

"You aren't allowed to drive young lady," Ensminger said and I rolled my eyes.

"I am perfectly fine,"

"Alison held two fingers and you said four," Victoria pointed out.

"We have paramedics downstairs," Ali said.

"Arianna is going to be the designated driver if I am not allowed. Now if you don't mind I have a party to attend," I grabbed onto Taylor and Sarah's hand when Ensminger decided to speak again on the do's and do not's on having a concussion. Which I believed I did not have.

"And Mia, no drinking any beverage with alcohol," Ensminger said and I waved him off.

"Yeah, yeah, we're leaving I'll see you all sometime next week," I mumbled as I exited the room.

Arianna and Meghan weren't far behind me as they quietly followed. Arianna said, "You've been out for awhile,"

"An hour and a half," Sarah piped up.

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