Chapter 26

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"What the hell is wrong with you? You know better than to bring up what she doesn't want to remember. Everyone who's even met Mia knows not to mention her past!"

"This happened two days ago. Let it go. I didn't want to see anyone bully her so I exploded on her. It is not like you're any better teacher boy. Rumors are that you're messing with both a teacher and Mia at the same."

I let out a groan as I open my eyes and turn around on the bed. Through the curtains I could see the sunnlight and mentally cursed. The alarm showed that it was already ten in the morning.

I hop out of bed and immediately head to the closet for some presentable clothes. And by presentable I mean a white t-shirt and sweatpants. I comb my fingers through my hair and manage to make a bun on my head.

I go inside the bathroom and search for my medications only to find the cabinet empty. I let out a sigh and slam the cabinet shut as I stomp out of the bathroom and into the hallway, shutting the door.

Only to run into a back.

"Xander?" I question as I regain my balance and step away from the male who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you want something to eat?" He asked as his hand attached to my wrist. I looked at him strangely before I pull away from him.

"I've gotta go take the kids to school. What are you doing here?"

I step to the side to pass him but Xander steps my way and blocks my passing. I step to the left and he mirrors my actions.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Get away from me! I have to take the kids to school," I snap as I try and push him away. He pushed me up against the wall, a gasp escaping my lips.

"You need to eat and you need to shower. You're still as beautiful as always, but you're a shade darker and a little smelly. It's the easy way or the hard way." I meet his eyes and don't break contact. It would make me weak if I looked away. His eyes looked brighter than usual. The stubble on his jaw makes him look older and even more handsome than usual.

Xander steps away and I take it as my chance to sprint away. "Danm it, Mia!"

I make it to the garage and into the car when Xander appears, anger clear on his face along with amusement. As I closed the door he opened it up and it's like a game of tug of war.

It's almost open. It's almost closed. It's almost stupid.

I let the door go and Xander goes flying to the ground, the door swinging off the hinges. I didn't care as I knew the male could take care of himself. I close the door and look for the keys. Until it hits me.

The keys were hanging on the wall. I didn't open the garage door. I was such an idiot.

I step out of the car and grab the keys with the remote to open the garage. Before I entered I noticed the too still body of Xander with a cut on his head.

He doesn't even move.


No response.

I drop the keys and remote as I crouch down to Xander, fear enveloping me.

"Xander? Alexander! Wake up!"

I let out a scream as his eyes open and the next thing I know is that I'm beneath him. "You're making this challenging Mia."

"Xander! You stupid idiot! I thought you for hurt!" I shout as I fight in his grip as a boyish grin appears.

"Does the Mia Stone actually care about me?"

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