Chapter 7

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After the fight with the dojo teacher the twins and I headed over to Wal-Mart to do grocery shopping.

Trey and Tyler pushed a cart while I inserted the food and I don't know what else.

"Lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, potatoes, limes, and cherries. Are those in there?" I asked.

Trey and Tyler nodded and I comtinued with the list.

"Peanut butter, jelly, Doritos,  Lunchables, gummy bears, gummy worms, whipped cream, string cheese, popcorn, 2 boxes of coca cola, 2 boxes of Sprite, 1 box of strawberry soda, a bag of strawberries, grapes, apples, kiwi, eww how do you guys like kiwi?"

"Check and Meghan eats it not us." Tyler said shuddering at the disgusting fruit.

"Ew. Well anyways we have all the junk food, drinks, and fruit. All we have left are like toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, apple juice, orange juice, bacon, waffles, pancake mix, dog food, dog treats,flour, baking soda, eggs, chocolate chips, and sprinkles."

"Why sprinkles, flour, baking soda, eggs, and chocolate chips?" Trey asked as I began to cross things off the list and grabbing what we needed.

"I'm making cookies. Oh and we need a cookie jar." I said grabbing eggs and the Sunny D.

"Today?" Tyler and Trey said, jumping up and down.

"Tomorrow while you're at school." I replied causing frowns to form on their faces.

"But they will be done by the time you get back tomorrow."

"Yaay!!" They smiled again, fist pumping the air. I laughed at the sight.

We grabbed whatever we had left and went to the checkout lanes.

"What kind of cookies are you gonna make?" Tyler asked.

"Will they be done like when we get home?" Trey asked.

"Its a surprise and yes they will Trey."

"Not even a hint?" Tyler pouted.

I shook my head, "Not even a hint."

His eyes narrowed at me and he crossed his arms refusing to look at me.

"Here's a credit card nanny. Arianna gave it to us before we left since she said you were going shopping." Trey said handing me a black diamond credit card.

I stared at it with wide eyes. I have never seen one of these. They are really fancy cards. All black with five little diamonds drawn on but they looked so realistic.

"Total will be two hundred and four dollars with fifty-nine cents." The cashier said ruining my moment with the credit card.

I swiped the card and Trey told me the pin number. I put in my signature and it was accepted. I almost squealed with joy as the cashier handed me the receipt. But I kept calm. Always keep calm when you're around children.

"You look creepy." Tyler commented and my eyes narrowed. My smile went into a frown and Tyler just smiled before walking behind me with Trey.

"What do you guys wanna eat?" I asked while putting things in the back of the hummer.

Tyler and Trey shouted, "Pizza!!"

"Haven't had pizza in awhile. Do you know the number?" I asked handing them my phone that I already unlocked.

"Yes!!" Trey said snatching the phone out of my hand and pressing what I'm guessing is the number.

"I want delivery. Richard Johnson residence on Exchange St. No. I want 2 pepperoni lover pizzas with thick crust, 1 thin crust meat lovers, and 1 supreme pizza." Trey said in the phone and I was surprised he knew how to order.

The Nanny(Editing!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum