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Mikki De'lucca

Inside the luxurious and rustic homestead, Juliette tours you though the tastefully decorated ranch house.. Graceful as a swan she glides in fluid motion as she shows you to the guest bedroom where she points you in the direction of the elegantly traditional bathroom..

Once finally alone, you begin to undress before the large vanity mirror, feeling silly and self conscious as you try to make sense of Juliette and the fact Colt had brought you to his home..

You want to dislike her.. Just like you had wanted to dislike Colt.. But it's impossible.. How can you hate somebody simply for their happines?..

You can't..

What you can be, is jealous.. Painfully, crushingly, achingly jealous.. How lucky she is to have him.. How lucky she is that he is still alive to come home to her.. You wonder if she realises her good fortune.. So many people don't, until it's too late..

After a steaming hot shower and a decided determination to swallow your sour envy and be friendly.. You swaddle yourself in one of the fresh fluffy towels and pad out into the bedroom to find Juliette perched on the edge of the sleigh styled king sized bed.. "It's nothin' fancy sweetie-pie, but these oughtta fit ya just right, and I brought you some boots, you'll need 'em for gettin around if you're gunna be here a while.."

Holding up a neatly folded stack of clothes, she smiles like starlight at you and its almost blinding.. Though you have no idea why you would need boots.. Or to stay in this place 'a while', as she put it, still you don't want to be rude so you just nod appreciatively..

"Thanks a bunch.." You offer a careful, tight smile and cross over to look though the sweet country-girl's style, selecting a red and white checked flannel jersey and a pair of little black shorts,stepping into the slinky soft cotton, sliding them up beneath your towel..

"No problem.. Are you sure I can't fix you somethin' to eat?.. Or maybe some sweet-tea?.." She fusses about with the comforter on the bed, fluffing the feathered duvet as you slip into the jersey, and hang the towel over the back of the dresser chair..

"Oh, no, really I'm fine.. If its alright, Juliette, I might just go to sleep.. Today has been-- long."

Juliette rises to her feet, taking the hint that you'd rather be alone.. "Alrighty, well Colt and me are just up the hall if you need anything, help yourself to the kitchen.."

She stops in the doorway to give you one last smile.. "I'm real glad you're staying with us, Mikki.. I don't get a lot of
girl time living all the way out here.. And with Colt away so much.. Well.. It gets a little lonely sometimes.. I'd really love
for us to be friends, especially since he seems to have taken such a shine to you.."

You try to maintain a straight face, but her words confuse you.. It really appears she has no idea who you are or what you are doing here in her home..

How is that possible?

You are so used to being recognised where ever you go, those images of you
splashed across front pages, filling feeds at a viral pace.. Either Juliette is one damn good actress.. Or she really doesn't recognise you..

What's even weirder to you, is Colt seems to have told her nothing about you..

"A shine?" You hum.. "I guess that's one way to put it.."

On so many of the women you know, the Mafia wives and daughters, the same sweet sentiment would be spoken, only dripping with disdain.. But Juliette comes across as genuine in every word she says.. Which only makes you feel even more guilty for the bitter taste she leaves in your mouth and the fact that you have been ogling her man over the past 24 hours..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now