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Colt Knox

.. six weeks later ..

"Betcha a hundred bucks he'll drop the C-bomb at least twice.." Reid snickers quietly, turning in his seat to look over his shoulder at me..

"Twice? Nah, he's real pissed.. Four or five times, minimum.." I grin..

Oliver chortles.. "You're on."

The office door flings open and Harris stomps his way in, ignoring us both to sit, brooding and belligerent behind Iris's desk.. After several long minutes of silence, he finally looks up, taking us both in.. "What the fuck is going on here? In all my years, I've never come across a couple of cunts with less brains between 'em than you two."

Oliver tosses a smirk in my direction as he holds up a finger, keeping tally..

I snort.. "You come straight outta the SAS, brother, so I can be sure that's a damn lie."

Oliver shifts painfully in his seat, still black and blue and wrapped in gause from several surgeries, the man displays a patience I just don't possess and takes a more diplomatic approach to Harrison and his boss-man bullshit.. "The misleading directives given have to be acknowledged, Jake--"

"Shut ya fuckholes! Both of ya!" Jake pounds a fist on the table, rising to his feet.. "I don't gotta acknowledge shit! Iris is set to return to Specter in less than two weeks and I rather serve her up a dead dingo's dong than hand off a shit heap like this.."

He returns to his seat, taking a steadying breath before he continues The vein in his forehead pulsing with quiet fury.. "Now, do you want to explain to me why neither one of you has turned in your report on the girl.. What the fucks up with that, boys?"

"'The girl' has a name." For the first I see Reid's even temper crack..

Harris clenches his teeth.. "The fuck did you say to me?"

I push off the wall, stepping forward in support of the DEA agent in exile.. The guy had sacrificed everything to be here today, the least I can do is bear Harrison's wrath on his behalf.. "Her name is Mikki, Jake.. Say it."

He glares up at me, refusing to back down.. Not that I'd been expecting him to.. I just don't give a fuck about what he has to say anymore.. "You know what happens to agents who become a liability to their agency, Knox?"

I shrug.. "Nah, cus I ain't never been one.. You know all about it though, huh, Commander.. Jesus Christ, you'll put the blame on everyone but yourself, Mikki, Reid, Me.. Man up and take responsibility, own your shit.."

Jake grits his teeth.. "You're under the impression that I give a fuck what you think--"

I hold up a hand to overrule his tangent.. "And you're under the impression that when Iris gets here she's gunna pat you on the back for a job well done.. Well I got news for ya Jakey, that ain't gonna happen.. With, or without our reports."

He leans back in his seat, scrutinising me..
"Is that what you reckon, mate?"

Oliver interjects.. "There's no point in arguing about all this, clearly nobody in this room is having their mind changed about Mikki today.. Harris, there has to be a way we can--"

Jake scowls at Reid's suggestion.. "Compromise is for cunts."

That's c-bomb number two..

"I'd argue the opposite." Reid works to calm the situation.. "If you'd made a couple compromises yourself, maybe I'd still have the same face as when you hired me.."

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now