Ch. 17 - Old best mate

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As Zayn is at home, frustrated, Liam is outside walking around, his head hanging low with tears ever so slowly falling out of his eyes. He's wandering around not knowing what to do or where to go. He just kept walking cause anywhere is better than being close with Zayn right now. He kept walking and walking.

He was so lost in his thoughts because he unconsciously cross the road that has a car speeding right towards his direction. The car honked and Liam looked up to see the car, but he couldn't moved a muscle, he was frozen as he watches the car coming closer and closer.

"Watch out!" A girl voice yelled and then Liam was pulled to the pavement, saved from the car crash. "Are you okay?" The girl asked slightly panicked. "Y-yeah, sorry, um, thank you" Liam breath out once he's out of the daze and look down. "Wait, you look familiar..." The girl said. Liam looked up and saw the girl that's he hadn't seen in so long. He gasp as he sees his best friend from childhood, there stood a beautiful girl with forest green eyes and black hair. "Sophia?!" Liam exclaimed and Sophia seems to remember her childhood friend, "Liam" She breath out as a huge grin appears on her face. They quickly hug each other. "Liam, it's been so long.." Sophia said and Liam wiped away his previous tears. "Are you okay, what happened?" Sophia asked as soon as they broke from the hug. "Y-yeah, I'm great" Liam said and offer a smile to convince her. "I know we haven't seen each other for such a long time, but I still can tell if my best mate is having a trouble" Sophia said then added, "You can tell me anything, I promise you I'll try to help." Liam just took a deep breath before saying, "I'd like to tell you, but do you think maybe we can go to a more proper place?" And Sophia just laughed and then invited Liam to her house which is just a few blocks away.


Liam is now at Sophia's house as they both catch up with each other's lives. Liam has learned that Sophia is a drop out but still living quite the life as a successful businesswoman.

"You have a boyfriend?!" Sophia asked excitedly. "I-i know, I've never really came out to you.. but, y-yeah, except that we're in a sort of... a fight?" Liam said and Sophia's expression soften as she offers a smile and urges him to tell her everything. As Liam explains from how Zayn and him met, to how they two fight whilst Zayn, at home, pacing around the living room. He's got his phone in his room upstairs but he had considered to text or give Liam a call but he holds himself back because he's not looking foward to another fight. As he paces around, suddenly Niall came into the living room, as confused as ever. "Zayn? what happened? Where's Liam?" Niall asked and Zayn jus shook his head violently. "Hey, hey calm down.." Niall said as he leads Zayn towards the couch and sat him down as he rubs soothing circles on Zayn's back.


After a few minutes, Zayn finally calmed down and take deep breaths before saying, "I messed up, I-i messed up bad..." he kept repeating it over and over again with tears gathered up in his eyes. Niall couldn't bear seeing his best mate so broken. He just hugs Zayn from the side and asked wether he wanted to talk about it or not. "I-i, I shouted at Liam and now he's mad at me..." Zayn said and let out a sob. "I h-hurt him..." and then another sob. "Shh... everything will be fine.." Niall said soothingly. "I fucking hurt him, and– and he stormed out" Zayn said again. Niall has this soft, sweet smile on his face as he says, "Give him some time, he'll come around, I'm sure, he loves you mate, he'll see you when he's cooled down and ready, yeah?" And Zayn just nodded. "C-can you do me a favour?" Zayn asked and Niall looked ready for anything Zayn'd ask for. "Please don't tell Louis, I'm not looking forward for my death any time soon" Zayn said and  Niall let out a chuckle. "Of course I wouldn't, I'm not looking forward to go to my best mate's funeral any time soon either" "Thank you, Ni." Zayn thanked and snuggled further into Niall's side. "Oh, you might want to talk to ya Mum, you had a miss call from her and I think she will know just how to handle your current situation" Niall said and Zayn just nodded at the words.


"Li... your love life is so fucked up, but I think you did overreact, but you have the right to be mad at your boyfriend after what he had said" Sophia said as she lays on her bed whilst Liam is sitting beside her. "W-what do you mean I overreacted?" Liam asked he was a bit pissed off because he pretty much expected his best friend to pick his side. "I mean.. that Perrie girl is just his friend slash ex-girlfriend, but one way or another, she means no more than that to Zayn, right?" Sophia explained. "But still... he lied- no, he didn't tell the truth, I mean, why did I have to hear it from Perrie, couldn't he had told me?" Liam argued and Sophia was frustrated with her friend so she sits up. "Because he doesn't want to have anything to do with it obviously, he didn't mean to "lie" to you, you should've understood him" Sophia elaborated and Liam just sighed. "Just, lower your ego, yeah?" Sophia persuaded as she ruffles Liam's slightly curly hair. "I didn't tell my problems to my old best friend just for her pick someone else's side.." Liam muttered lowly but still loud enough for Sophia to hear him. She sighs at Liam's stubbornness. "Li... it's not about picking sides.. I'm not picking sides... I'm just telling you what's best for you, yeah? I would never betray you, Lima" Sophia said and Liam just nodded his head and snuggle into Sophia. "I want to help you fix things with him, yeah?" Sophia said again and Liam just nodded. "Thanks Soph" Liam said. "Everything will be fine, Li.." Sophia assured one more time.

"Now, would you like to stay here for tonight or are you going home?" Sophia sits up straight and asked enthusiasticly. "Uh, I'd stay here I think.." Liam answered and Sophia's face lights up because it has been a long, long time since they meet each other. "Okay, great! I'll show you around later" Sophia said still enthusiasticly. Liam chuckled and said, "Yeah, I'll text Louis to let them know"

Wazzup! Yep, it's the one person that updates once a month. Hope you liked this chapter!

And I definitely don't know how to put a finish at the end of the chapter, it's weird how it always ends with sleeping. 😂😂

Thanks for reading guys! This book has reached 150 reads!! I'm excited!!

Through All Odds || Ziam AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora