Ch. 18 - It'll be fine

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Zayn woke up the next morning with a headache, runny nose and feeling like he's burning up. It's also a schoolday that he really isn't looking forward to making it worse. And then there's a knock on his door. Then came in the blondie lad. "Hey, Z, you're up?" Niall asked as he slowly nears Zayn's side of the bed. "Yeah" Zayn simply replied in a groggy voice. "Did ya talk to your Mother?" Niall asked and Zayn slowly sit up on his bed. "Yeah, I did last night" Zayn answered then Niall asked again, "What did she say?" 

"She just told me to let him cool down and then I should apologise because what I said was really mean" Zayn said and Niall just nodded. "She said that it's very disrespectful saying that someone is overreacting when they're just telling what they are feeling" Zayn said again then the two fell into a comfortable silence before Zayn spoke again, "She also told me to bring him over once we've made up" Niall chuckled because Trisha is always excited to meet new people, he even remembered the first time he came over to Zayn's house and Trisha quickly brought him into her embrace despite only knowing him from Zayn's daily stories.

Zayn suddenly coughed then sniffed up his runny nose breaking the silence and making Niall looked at him in concern, "Are you okay?" The Irish boy asked. "No, I think I've got a fever or something" Zayn replied and Niall put his hand on Zayn's forehead, "You're hot" Niall said "Not the time for compliments, Niall" Zayn said eventho he knows exactly what Niall is talking about. Niall just shrugged it off and asked another question, "You're not going to school?" Zayn then just thought about it for a second before answering. "I don't think so" Zayn said and Niall stood up from where he was sitting and walk towards Zayn and gave him a hug as he told him, "Feel better soon" Zayn just nodded. "You guys can take my car" Zayn said when Niall's about to step out of his room. "Already planning on it" Was all Niall said before he disappeared and Zayn fell back onto his bed sleeping yet again.


Meanwhile in the Smith's house,

"Li? where are you going?" Sophia, whom fully dressed is sat at the dining table drinking a coffee, asked Liam, whom is dressed for school. "Um, school?" Liam said unsure. "Well, yeah, I can see that, but are you going to walk there?" Sophia said again like it's the most obvious thing. "Yeah, why?" Liam answered and then Sophia just gets up from her seat and walk towards the sink and pour down the rest of her coffee before picking up her car keys. "C'mon, let me drop you off on my way to my office" Was all she said before walking towards the front door, leaving no room for objection.

"You know that you didn't have to" Liam said as he's getting out of Sophia's BMW that she's just got. "Yes, I do know that Li, but I wanted to, we've missed such a long time together, and I want to make it up for that" Sophia said and soon the two we're saying goodbyes and Liam is already in the school. He goes to his locker to get out his English books but then he felt a body pushing him making him fall to the ground as his books scattered around. He looked up and saw someone he hadn't in such a long time, there was Jason and his gang towering over him and smirking evilly. "Well, well, what have we got here..? Where's your super famous friends? left you already? as they should" Jason said as Liam slowly gets up only to be pushed against the locker. "L-leave me a-alone.." Liam stuttered out making Jason and his gang laugh like miniac. "Yeah? what are you going to do about it? Call your little friends..?" Jason mocked and then throws Liam onto the floor. "Where's your little boyfriend? He's left? Bet he didn't even love you" Jason said again making Liam clench his jaw and gather his strength to push Jason away because that is NOT true. Jason was fuming when Liam pushed his away, then his fist landed on Liam's stomach. The punch wasn't that hard that it could draw blood, but hard enough to make Liam doubled down in pain whilst clenching his stomach. "That's what you get, fag" Jason spit as they all chuckle darkly. Suddenly the bell rang - meaning that they'd have classes started- "You're lucky this time, but don't be so sure about next time" Jason spat one last time before they all walk towards the classes. "Ah.. fuck." Liam cursed underneath his breath as he tries to collect his scattered books and get up slowly. "Out of so many days.. it's just got to be today" Liam muttered as he walks to his class with his hand clutching his stomach.

"Mr. Payne! You're late" Mr. Martinez, the English teacher that hates Liam for no apparent reason. "S-sorry, I had some issues" Liam apologised even though he's just a minute or so late. "And that won't excuse you from the detention you'll be attending" Mr. Martinez said sternly and Liam just sighed. "Yes, Sir" Liam replied and then he goes to sit at his seat. To make matters worse, the students were whispering about him and kept giving Liam those glances since Zayn isn't with him or in the classroom like usual for that matter. Liam tried to focus with the lesson without blowing up though it's hard when some paper balls from Jason keep hitting his head.


By the end of the day, Liam had talked with the boys and got the news of Zayn having a fever. He also got home with the boys because it's easier since it's a one-way home. All and all, Liam wasn't in his best mood even when he's back at the shared flat. He went straight up to his room to freshen up and stuff before he made some soup that his mum would usually make when he's sick then bring it up to Zayn's room.

"Couldn't have lived one day without me could you" Liam muttered underneath his breath when he sees Zayn laid in bed with loads of blankets above him. He places down the tray of food at the bedside table then dampen a towel before wiping Zayn's flushed and hot body with it. After that he put the towel on Zayn's forehead and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "It'll be alright, you'll get better soon." Then he leaves Zayn's room and head to his own room to finish some stupid extra work that his English teacher, Mr. Martinez gave.


Helloooo!!💕 Yes I know, I've been gone, so sorry about that, I've been not well. But I promise once I've got better I'll update more often.


Thank you so much for reading this piece of crap that was started because I was bored to hell.
IT'S REACHING 200 READS! How crazy is that?! Thank you so much everyone💖

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