Ch. 19 - Thunder

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Liam kept doing the extra work from Mr. Martinez that never seem to be ending until dinner time and had dinner with the boys. They all eat the food Harry cooked (Liam makes breakfast and Harry makes dinner). Zayn was also there, and he seemed a bit better than he had this morning according to Niall. They all ate in silence much to their displeasure because they were never quiet. That until Niall broke the silence, "Li, lad, where'd ya sleep at last night?" Niall asked. "Oh, my old good friend, Sophia." Then they all seemed to be interested to know more about Liam's old friend, except Zayn who sat there quietly with a small frown, that wasn't invisible to Liam but Liam didn't do anything but continued telling the boys about how him and Sophia met and whatever they asked. After dinner, everybody was cleaning around the kitchen but Zayn just went to his room, the boys thought that he's just tired and brushed it off.


Zayn though, was feeling jealous, he tried sleeping his jealousy away but it didn't work, so now here he is, wide awake at midnight whilst everyone else is sound asleep. He had woken up a few minutes ago and the whole Liam and Sophia thoughts came back rushing to his mind and he couldn't help but feel very mad. He is still tired despite had sleeping few hours before but he just can't go back to sleep, because the whole deal of Liam is bugging him to no end. So this is how Liam felt. Zayn thought to himself then gave a light chuckle. As his mind kept thinking, or overthinking more like, the weather outside start to stir into cloudy as a few thunders were crackling here and there. A very loud thunderclap along with a lightning brought Zayn back to reality. Then Zayn suddenly thought of Liam crossed his mind because he knew Liam has a fear of thunderstorm. He remembers the first time ever Liam spent his night at Zayn's house. It was raining heavily and Liam came to his bedroom in the middle of the night saying that he was cold. But Zayn knew it was more than just cold when he tries to touch Liam but the younger lad flinched away from his touch. The next morning he tried asking, but Liam just said that it's nothing until it was one night where they've all moved in together and there was a thunderstorm and Liam came into Zayn's room but this time when Zayn asked again he answered, he said that he's doesn't like heavy rains especially at nights and it has something to do with his Dad but wouldn't say anything more than that. 


Liam always needed to have someone to company him during this time of weather, so that's why Zayn gets up of his bed and walks towards Liam's room to check up on his boyfriend. He opens the door to Liam's room and was met with the sight of Liam whimpering. Zayn was alarmed once he heard the whimpers louden and quickly rushes to Liam's bed. Liam was whimpering and pleading, begging someone to forgive him, and leave him.

"Mmf.. no, I'm sorry.." Liam mumbled in his sleep. "G-go away.." Liam said again then he yelled out "Dad! No!" then there are tears heavily falling from Liam's eyes and Zayn quickly wakes Liam up. "Hey, Li, wake up" Zayn whispered and shakes Liam a bit. Soon Liam's eyes flew open and he sat up panting. "Li, are you okay?" Zayn asked very much worried because he's never been in this situation before. Liam just panted still trying to breathe from the horrible nightmare he just had. Zayn stayed for a couple more minutes just rubbing Liam's back soothingly until the younger boy caught his breathe. Liam closed his eyes enjoying the soft gesture. Zayn then stood up and was about to leave, but Liam held onto his hand, "Stay" was all Liam said eyes still closed. "Please.." He added as he fluttered his eyes open.

Zayn then walks to the other side of Liam's single bed and slide under the duvet as Liam scoots away to make some room. Once Zayn was settled comfortably under the duvet, Liam scoots closer to his chest. Zayn looked at Liam who still has fresh tears on his cheeks. He brought his hand to Liam's cheek and wipe the tears away. "You're safe now, I'll always have you.." Zayn whispered the words, afraid that any loud sound would break the perfect moment they're having. Liam just clings to Zayn's shirt and murmured and 'I love you'. 


They stayed like that for a moment or two before Zayn broke the silence, "I'm sorry.." Zayn said out of nowhere making Liam contort his face in confusion. "For, you know, yelling at you and stuff.." Zayn said again and then Liam only seemed to understand. "It's fine" Liam replied simply and shortly. "No it's not, I yelled at you, I made you cry, and I felt everything you did whenever you're with Sophia.." Zayn said in protest then whisper-like the last part of his sentence as if he didn't want Liam to hear it out of embarrassment, but Liam did hear it anyway. "It's fine really Zayn, it's fine as long as you are there for me after. Like you are for me now" Liam answered with a smile and Zayn smiled as well upon hearing those words. "I love you, Leeyum" Zayn said then leaned down, kissing the top of Liam's head. Liam just snuggled further into Zayn's chest after hearing those three words. They then fell into a comfortable silence once again. They just stayed still and listen to each others' breathing. 

"My Mother wants to meet you, so would you like to come with me to my house this weekend?" Zayn once again broke the silence but this time making Liam surprised because of the question.


Heyya beautiess!!! Long time no seee!

So here's an update for you guys, and I'm sorry for not updating very frequently nowadays, It's just that school/online school has been eating up my arse and time.

I hope you enjoy this chapterr! Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!!

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