Ch. 22 - Beginning and closure

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Liam and Zayn spent the weekends at Zayn's house and Liam got to know Zayn's family a lot better. Liam found out Zayn's elder sister is currently at uni and Zayn's father is a CEO of a very successful company (it's not like Liam didn't already know that). Liam got along with the rest of Zayn's family very well including the two younger sisters who seem to love Liam a lot. So now they are in the car, on their way back to London because Liam's Mum wanted to talk about Liam's Dad and sisters kind of stuffs.

"So.. how'd you like my family? By the way, I'd like to apologise for all the squealings from my younger sisters" Zayn said chuckling at the last part. "I like them all very much especially your sisters" Liam answered. It's true the sisters were squealing from the moment Zayn introduced them until they were out of sight, but Liam didn't mind, it made him feel loved. "I swear my Mother loves you so much more than me" Zayn said laughing as well as Liam because of how true it is. "Yeah, I guess.. but tomorrow I'll have to go see my Mum, she said something about explaining further and Dad" Liam said after they were done laughing. "You want me to come with? I wouldn't mind y'know" Zayn offered and Liam knows Zayn is always willing to help, but this time Liam thinks that he's brave enough to brace it himself. "I know, but you don't have to, plus it's my family problems I don't want to involve you in this mess" Liam as politely as possible decline Zayn's offer. "Sure, just tell me if you change your mind or something or whatevs, yeah" Zayn replied, indicating that the offer will still be on.


It is now the next day, oh how fast the time goes, and Liam's waiting at the Cozy's café for his mother to arrive. He had just gotten there about 5 minutes ago.

"Hi, Honey, sorry I'm late, had some issues to take care of" Karen said as soon as she approached Liam. Liam then stood up and gave his mother a hug along with some greetings. "It's fine, so.. you wanted to talk about.." Liam trailed off when they sit back down. "Ah.. yes.. your sisters and father.." Karen remembered then she fiddled with her fingers as the silence trailed on. "Why not we order something first yeah?" Karen asked and Liam just nodded so she calls for a waiter.


"Wait wait, so Nicola and Ruth are in Wolverhampton? With Dad??" Liam asked confused as to why had his mother would let that horrible man alone with his two sisters. "Uhh.. Nicola and Ruth are in Wolverhampton, but your father isn't" Karen explained.. but hold up, now Liam's extremely confused. "You had a divorce? He left you guys? Or maybe he died?" Liam made wild guesses except that the last one is too wild. "Neither of those Sweetie.. Your father had been arrested for child abuse.. After he had thrown you out, I decided to lodge a report on him because with you gone, he can't hurt you anymore and it made me see the truly absolutely horrible and mad person he is.. it's not like I didn't see it before... so then me and your sisters move to Wolverhampton, I sold our old house and was going to settle the document signings here in London so Trisha, Zayn's Mum took the chance and invited me for you know, meeting Zayn's boyfriend which turns out to be you.." Liam's Mum explained and Liam's mouth was agape with shock. It is such a huge huge coincidence that he thought was only possible in those fanfics on Wattpad [ ;)) ].

"C-can I visit Dad?" Liam crazily asked and now Karen's the one who is shocked. "I-i mean sure, he was put in a jail somewhere around here, but Honey.. are you sure?" Karen said and Liam thought about it for a few more seconds, he does want to see his father despite his father hurting him before. It has been a long time and Liam believes that he might have changed. "Yes Mum, I'm sure" Liam replied and Liam Mother let out a sigh. "Sure, we can go tomorrow or whenever you want really" Karen said, she really doesn't want Liam to see his dad and neither does she want to. "Tomorrow sounds good" Liam said smiling at his mother.


"Liam! What has gotten into you?!" Zayn bursted out when Liam had just told him. Liam flinched a little but other than that, it's nothing Liam didn't expect. "Here, calm down first yeah.." Liam tried as he tries to pull Zayn to sit beside him which Zayn eventually did. "Why do you want to see him Li? He hurt you.. he might again" Zayn said in a much calmer tone. "He broke you, mentally and physically, and me and the boys were the ones who helped you pick those pieces up.. and if you go and see him.. he might break you again Li.. I can't bear seeing him hurt you again" Zayn said almost close to tears. "I know Zaynie.. but I just want a closure, the only closure I ever got with my Dad is him throwing me out.. at least I want to know whether he still loves me or not.. just one last time.." Liam said and Zayn gave in. "Fine, but I'm coming with you" Zayn said and Liam just nodded happily, he doesn't mind Zayn coming along at all as long as he gets to see his father one more time.


"Okay, we're here boys" Karen announced after she parked her car. They all get out of the car and walk into the building and asked the correctional officer about a visit for Geoff Payne in which the officer help lead them to the visit thingy box (I know nothing about prisons, sorry if any procedures are wrong😬).

"Karen.. L-Liam..?" Liam's Dad picked up the phone thingy as Karen put the other phone to her ear, Liam is definitely the last person he expected to see, he never expected to see Liam at all honestly. Hearing her (ex?)husband calling Liam's name, Karen gives the phone to Liam. "H-hey D-dad.." Liam stuttered and hesitated to call Geoff dad. "I never thought I'd see you again my son" Liam's Dad said in a happy tone with a soft smile making Liam smile as well at the 'my son' part. "I missed you so much Liam.. I'm sorry" Geoff said softly and Liam give a small smile at that. "It's fine, Dad, I forgive you.. I love you Dad" Liam said.

"You are such a good and special kid Liam.. you're always so kind, always so forgiving"  Geoff said and Liam just listens. After that they both just stay silent. In a long long silence. Then Geoff break the silence,

"But you're weak! And you're gay! You are always in need of someone to protect you! You're like a spoiled little brat! You are a disappointment! To me and society!" Liam's Dad yelled out of nowhere making Liam stunted, so was Karen behind him. Liam looked at his father in disbelief with tears pooling in his eyes. How can I think that he would change!? He's just the same old horrible man! Liam thought to himself. Liam walks away as a couple of officers force Geoff back into the hallway that leads to his cell.


"I guess that's the closure I wanted" Liam said as he and Zayn walk into their home after Liam's Mum treating them for some ice-cream. "At least I know he would never love me" Liam said and Zayn goes to wrap his arm around Liam's shoulder, pulling him in a side hug. "But I will love you though, forever and ever, Li" Zayn cheekily said as he kisses Liam's temples. "Cheesy" Liam teased, opening the door. "You like it though" Zayn said back. "Unfortunately"


Uwu.. the book is coming to an end😭😭 There's only about 2/3 chapters left..


I hope you liked this chapter and by the way, I'm not in any way saying that Liam's Dad (irl) is actually a bad person. I'm not trying to portray him as a bad guy in real life, I'm sure he's nice. Anyway, stay safe everyone! 💕

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