Ch. 12 - Making memories

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The next day, on a Saturday morning, I awoke feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me, holding me close and I could feel my back aching. I slowly remove the hands so I don't wake him up from the movements and look around and saw that I am in Zayn's room, with Zayn right by me and we are both on the floor. The memories of the things we talked about last night came into my mind as a smile finds its way to creep up my face. I place my hand on Zayn and shake him a bit. "Zayn, wake up" I said as I shake him up. He moved a bit, making the movement of waking up so I move my hand away. He opened his eyes and greet me with a good morning. "Mhm...good morning, c'mon, let's have breakfast" I said to him and he just noded. I get up from the floor and stretch a bit to relieve the pain in my back. I could see that Zayn is doing the same thing and we both go down the stairs after stretching our bodies.


We were met with three lads that's sleeping on the couch and floor whilst snoring both loudly and softly. "Hey Zayn, can you wake them up? I'm going to make breakfast" I said and he just replied by saying, "Sure" in his sexy morning voice. "What do you want for breakfast, Zayn?" I asked him since I've got no clue what to make for breakfast. "Can I have french toast?" Zayn asked and I just nodded and head towards the kitchen to take the ingredients out. I make the breakfast as Zayn wakes the other up. I called them to eat breakfast when the three have taken aspirin and drank some water.


They were still eating and I was doing my dishes when I asked them a question, "Why were you three sleeping in the living room?" Harry answered "I remember it vaguely but I think it had something to do with the telly. I think I walked towards the telly for something and then saw Louis and Niall behind me, so asked them something about why were they next to me and Louis said that he didn't want me to be alone in the dark and Niall said that he, himself didn't want to be alone" "I think you went to turn the telly off?" Louis said and followed by Niall agreeing with him. I have sat back down at the table when Zayn suggested something, "Hey, maybe we can go to the funfair that's taking place around here tonight, what do you guys say?" All of us just agreed since we have no agenda for today anyway. "Oh, what about we roam around after this, and then head straight to the funfair tonight" Harry said and we all hummed in agreement. "Can we go roam for food?" Niall asked being the typical him. I just chuckle, Louis groaned and Zayn laughed whilst Harry answered and saying exactly what me, Zayn and Louis thought, "Niall, we haven't even finish breakfast yet" with a chuckle. "We? it's not a 'we' thing, it's a 'you' thing" Niall said making Harry look around. "We've all finished our food" Niall continued as Louis get up to wash his dishes. "Wha- when did you-" Harry was cut off mid sentence by Louis, "Quite some time ago, you're just a slow poke Harry" And we all laugh except Louis who just smile. "But I'm still too full to eat more food, Niall" Louis continued as he is drying his hands. "I've an idea, you lads just go get dressed up" Zayn said making all of us look at him in confusion but go to our rooms to get dressed anyway.


"Where are we going Zayn?" Harry asked when we all get in Zayn's car that Zayn is driving. "I don't really have anywhere to go, but I just thought that maybe we can just drive around and sing our lungs out and maybe have some games made up for fun" Zayn said as he is driving out of the garage. "Oh, I have a few games!" Niall shouted out and we all asked 'what' at the same time. "Okie, I've got two. One, the quiet place... where we have to stay quiet for certain time and if someone talks, he or they will have to do a dare after the time ends. The second one, guess the song. You basically guess the song based on the melody of the song that's being played" Niall explained and we all look at each other (except Zayn, it's dangerous, people) to make a decision on which game to play. "Okay, we're playing the quiet place game first, and guess the song next" Louis said on behalf of us all. "Yeah!!" We all yelled out in agreement. "Alright, we will stay quiet for 5 minutes, if one person talks, the rest will still have to stay quiet for 5 minutes" Niall said and he turns around looking for something. "Hah! And it starts... Now!" He said again after pulling Harry's wrist to look at the watch. I was quite shock from his sudden announcement of the game starting. Even the radio was slowed down and we all stayed quiet in complete silence for quite some time now until one person breaks the silence, Niall. "Nandos!!" He yelled out pointing at the Nandos that's on the other side of the window. We all shot him a glance and he quickly covers his mouth. "Haha... you loser!" It was Louis, he didn't even try to cover it. "We're supposed to stay quiet!" Zayn "reminded" not using a so quiet way. Me and Harry just exchanged looks of amusement and I tried containing my laughter but I barely did and the boys let it slide. "You both can talk now" Niall said after taking a glance at Harry's watch. "You guys are such fools" Harry said making me chuckle. "You get to speak and that is the first thing you say?" Louis asked making all of us, burst out laughing. "I'm sure there's no harm in speaking the truth" I said in between laughs making Zayn, Harry, Niall laugh harder and Louis just started laughing. "Ni, does that mean that me and Liam give you three dares?" Harry asked after the laughters died down. "Mhm, yeah" Niall answered as a dare came to my mind. "You've got any, Liam?" Harry asked. "Actually, I've got one" I said and they all gave their full attention to me. "It's for Louis, You have to roll down your window and say the most embarrassing thing you've done to random strangers" I said and we all chuckle expect Louis who groaned. "What the fook? it's going to be so fooking embarrassing" Louis said as he is starting to roll down the window on his side. Before Harry stopped him, tho. "Wait, not yet, you're going to do this with Zayn" Harry said and Zayn just look shock, so shock in fact. "W-what? I'll have to tell strangers shits too?!" Zayn asked with his grip tight on the steering wheel. "But yours is easy, you just have to shout 'I love you' and drive at the same time" Harry said explaining Zayn's dare precisely. "What 'bout me?" Niall asked when Zayn and Louis had rolled down their windows. "I think I have something for you, but I still have to discuss it with Liam" Harry said and I just nod. Zayn started shouting out I love you's making people give him weird looks. Louis on the other hand.... He started poking his head out the car window on the left side, his side. "I peed myself in the first year of high school when I went to a haunted house" He said to the people that are walking on the pavement. We all start to laugh but we tries to hold in. Even Zayn stopped mid sentence of his 'I love you' when he heard Louis. "Pfft... n-not loud e-enough" Harry said as he himself tried to contain his laughter. "I peed in my pants during first year of high school when I went to a haunted house!!" Louis shouted again making it harder for us to contain our laughters so me, Harry and Niall ended up laughing really hard as the other two are shouting their lungs out. Zayn still shouting 'I love you' as Louis started shouting more embarrassing stories of himself. "I-i think you can s-stop now" I said still laughing and Harry just nodded but still laughing his ass off. "God, that was embarrassing" Louis said as he roll up the window. "Remind me to never tell someone to shut up again" Zayn said. "Can go eat now?" Niall asked and Harry surprisingly agreed. "Right, of course you're hungry after laughing real hard" Louis said in his usual sassy tone. "Not my fault that someone peed his pants when going to a haunted house" Harry said and we start laughing again except Louis that just huffed in annoyance. Knowing the boys so well, I'm positive that Louis has more teasings coming in his way.


Zayn had just parked in front of Nandos. And we all were on our way inside when Harry pulled me a bit to the back. "Liam, what do you think if we give Niall a dare of shouting something in his favourite little restaurant?" Harry asked and my eyes were wide from shock. "Ooh.. that's going to be a great idea, and we can make him shout something embarrassing" I said giggling at the end of the sentence. "How about 'I have a crush on Selena'?" Harry asked and I think for a while before saying, "I'd like to agree to that, but it won't be embarrassing enough cause no one here knows who Selena is" "Maybe 'I'm gay'?" Harry suggested and I didn't take that long to agree to this one. So now we drag Niall out and explain to him his dare. "I swear you guys are the worst" Niall said as he is about to start his dare. "I'M GAY!!" We heard Niall shouted from the entrance and around the restaurant. Me and Harry slowly walk in and Niall was still running around the restaurant shouting 'I'm gay' and I broke into laughter as I see the look on people faces. Some people had the look of amusement whilst others had the look of disgust and some other didn't care at all. Me and Harry looked around to find the other two looking at Niall and laughing really hard. "Is that why you agreed to eat just now?" I asked Harry as we are pulling out a chair to sit on at the table with Louis and Zayn. "Yeah, absolutely true" Harry said. "That was the worst dare ever, especially since I'm not even gay" Niall said as he pulls his chair to sit.


We are now at the funfair having loads of fun. We all went on the roller coaster except Zayn, we got candy floss and went on more rides. It was a great place to have fun with friends. And Zayn and I found a new friend, her name is Perrie. She seems like a nice person and we get along very well. We met at the candy floss stall when me and Zayn were getting some candy floss whilst the other three were on rides. I had a great time spending time with them and we all went home feeling jubilant.

Do you guys think that Perrie has something up her sleeves or is she just going to be a normal kind friend?

You'll know that in the next few chapters😉

And I think about changing the book title. What do you guys think?

I will tell you guys that title in the next chapter when I think of a great name that suit this story.


I love you all soo much and stay safe everyone! 💕

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