Ch. 24 - Leaver's Ball

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"Guys! C'mon.. we're late alreadyy" Louis whined pulling at Zayn's and Harry's hands because Zayn is still doing his hair whilst Harry is barely even dressed yet. "Chill out Lou.. the ball's not even starting until 20 more minutes, come and play this game with me, will ya" Niall said as his eyes still trained on the game he's playing. Tonight is the night they're all going to their school prom-kind of like thingy. Louis is super excited, probably super overexcited. Zayn's taking his time doing his hair like he always does, Harry keeps stumbling over his feet because of Louis who keeps rushing him. Niall's probably the most chilled one so far, he has been ready ages ago and currently playing Mario Kart on PS4. And Liam, he's basically panicking on his own as he watches Zayn fixes his hair. He's worrying himself because, they're going to dance, what if he messes up? what if he steps on Zayn? Or maybe what if he embarrasses himself in front of everybody by stumbling and falling? or worse, what if he embarrasses Zayn by being his idiotic self? - which is not true by the way- Questions of what ifs are swimming in his head over and over, each questions becoming more and more least likely to happen, but he worries anyway.

"How dare you! you fooking.. Toad!" Louis yelled loudly at the game when he hit the banana peel that Niall's character had thrown, making him lose control of the cart and swerve into the left wall making him being left behind by Niall. Niall just laughed his iconic laugh as he drive through happily.

"Hey Li, you're ready, babe?" Zayn asked as he turns around from facing the mirror. He saw the worried look on his boyfriend's face and frowned. "Leeyum.. what's wrong, baby?" Zayn asked as he sits at the spot next to Liam. When Liam doesn't answer again, - because he's so deep in the pool of his rummaging thoughts- Zayn decided to pull Liam onto his lap, hands sliding around Liam's waist as he buries his face in Liam's neck and peppers kisses, up to Liam's jaw, cheek and towards Liam's mouth. Then only Liam seems to react by kissing back. Zayn starts to pull away after some time, "Quit worrying about it, babe, you'll be fine" Zayn assured as he rubs his hand up and down Liam's back. "How did you know I was worrying?" Liam asked as his face contorts into a cute confused puppy-like frown. Zayn chuckled before answering, "I don't know.. I guess it's 'cause you'd have this kind of like sad puppy face and you tend to zone out, 's just a wild guess" and then he shurgs. "I'm ready!" Harry yelled as he goes to where everyone's at. "Fooking finally!" Louis cheered sarcastically as he stands up.


At the ball

"How are you enjoying the ball, Li?" Zayn asked as they dance along with other graduates - who are doing some moves that are like fucking rather than dancing-. "Eh, it's alright, not a keen fan of dancing, especially not with this kind of surrounding" Liam replied looking up into Zayn's eyes and probably got lost in them because he didn't hear what Zayn said next. He only seems to snap out of it when Zayn stops their sways and pull Liam towards the back door of the venue the ball is being held, slipping out of the ruckus inside. "C'mon, Leeyum, let's go do something more relaxing and enjoyable" Zayn said burying his face in the crooked of Liam's neck. Zayn seems to be having an obsession with smelling the scent of Liam lately. "Like what?" Liam asked, kissing Zayn's temple. Zayn pulled away from burying his face and intertwine their hands as he just walk them over to the slightly higher land grassy area "Um.. here, I think" Zayn said as he pull Liam flushed against his side. Their school had decided that the leaver's ball would take place at a higher ground, inside a fancy canopy which is beautifully decorated with loads of fairy lights and other decorations.

"Y'know, I had always preferred something loud like parties and stuff, but I'm not sure anymore" Zayn said chuckling. Liam giggled as well then he slowly turns to his left and look right at Zayn. Their eyes meeting and melting into one another. "I love you.." Liam said, leaning forward along with Zayn so their lips meet in the middle. The kiss was slow, passionate and there was no rush behind it,  just love and affection. Liam locks his hands around Zayn's neck as Zayn does the same to Liam's waist.

"Did you realise that this might actually be the last time we get to hang out and have fun together, I mean, if I get into the Wolverhampton College I applied to then I'll be off to Wolverhampton and you'll be off somewhere else and this might be the only chance to actually really enjoy each other presences before we meet again" Liam thought out loud when they pull away as he lay his head on Zayn's chest and look up at at Zayn's face to find Zayn's eyes already watching him.

"Then I suppose we better make this count then, you'd fancy a dance under the luscious moonlight?" Zayn asked as he offers his hand for a dance. Liam nodded slowly as his face breaks into a beautiful, shiny and pearly smile. Zayn hold onto Liam's waist as Liam places his hands on Zayn's shoulder. That night was a full moon night so the moonlight shone brightly onto them, illuminating the features of the two figures better. They both move to the invisible song as they got lost in each others' eyes. Looking "so disgustingly in love" as Louis had once described.


This chapter was supposed to be a chapter dedicated to Liam's birthday where the boys celebrate it by throwing a small gathering party. But.. I went over the date and now I'm late to even wish a happy birthday but oh well. So I thought that a chapter now would be too late and since I don't even know what to fill the chapter with so I decided to drop it. Buttt..

Happy Birthday to my sunshine!!☀️ The person who brightens my day more throughout the day to the night over and over!! To the person who became my reason to go through those bad and horrible days. The sweetest, selfless, humble, noble, brave, strong and many other beautiful words to describe this sunshine. He's the greatest person I've ever seen, always inspiring me and bringing out the best in me. ❤️

Happy Birthday Liam! ❤️☀️

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