Ch. 8 - Living with da boyz

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We are now at the mall wandering around. "I already found a house" Zayn said breaking the silence. "In one night?!" Niall asked in disbelief. "Yeah" Zayn said chuckling. "That's quite fast" I said and then broke into a laugh along with the other four. "But we still need to discuss about the rent and stuff" Harry then said after we all calmed down a bit. "Yeah, let's talk about it over coffee" Zayn said pointing to the nearest coffee shop in the mall. "The house rent is £1500" Zayn said after putting his cup of coffee down. "I don't have any money, you guys will have to wait for me to get a job, yeah?" I said when Zayn mentioned about the rent price. "I can have my parents pay it for me" Louis said "Me too" "Me three" Both Niall and Harry said in agreement. "I can try to ask my parents to pay it for you, Li" Zayn said in which I reply with "Are you sure? wouldn't it burden you and your parents? would they agree to it? wouldn't they think I'm taking advantage?" I asked in nervous tone. Zayn then said "Alright, first thing first, how come you can ask that many questions? secondly, chill out, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind it". Louis then just laugh and say "Don't think too much 'bout it, I'm sure £600 wouldn't cost much compared to their worldwide business" Zayn then just nodded in agreement and agreed with Louis for once in his lifetime.


It has now been a week and now we are all moving in together. "Don't forget about your books, Boobear!" I heard Louis' mum, Johannah or Jay for short, said. "You still will have to study even without my supervision!" Jay shouted from the living room to Louis whom is in the guest room which is the room that I have whilst staying at Louis' house. "Yes, Mum! I won't forget that!" Louis shouted back whilst rolling his eyes. "We both you and I know you are not going to study anyway" I said laughing with Louis. "That's right!" Louis said which made both of us to break laughing harder this time. "Boobear! You friends are here!" we heard Jay shouted when we stopped laughing. "God, they're here already?!" Louis asked in disbelief as he started to shove in his stuffs that are on the bed. "C'mon Louis, faster!" I said picking up my bag that is laying on the floor. "Ok, let's go!" Louis said as he put his bag on his shoulder. We both went downstairs. "Bye, Mum!" Louis said hugging his mum. "Thank you for letting me stay, Jay" I said hugging her when she pulled me into a hug. "You are free to come anytime, Liam" Jay said and continued with "You are very diligent and not messy as Louis, so... I'd like you more than him" she said laughing when she saw Louis' expression. "Mum! c'mon Liam, they're waiting outside" Louis said pulling me. "I love you both!" Jay said waving.


"Ahhh...freedom from my mother" Louis said sitting on the couch as soon as we got in the house. "We know you're going to miss her sooner or later, Louis" Niall said which made all of us laugh. "Ok, whatever, I will have the biggest room" Louis said when he stopped laughing. "Wha-?! you can't do that!" Niall said but Louis already ran to the biggest room. "This house only have 4 rooms" Zayn then said and quickly ran to one of the rooms. I also ran to pick my room with Niall following and got in the other room which is just next to mine. Harry was left in the living room stoned when he couldn't get himself a room. "You can just sleep with Louis!" Zayn shouted from his room. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind!" I shouted from my room too. "He also has the biggest room!" Niall said which made the three of us giggled.


The next morning I woke up to a very very loud noise. I opened my eyes to see Zayn in my room yelling something, the most random thing. "What the h-e-double hockey sticks are you doing, Zayn?" I asked in my morning voice. "Nothing, just tryna wake someone up to eat breakfast" He just answered smiling. "Breakfast? is it Harry's pancakes again?" I asked groaning. "Hate to say it, Baby, but it is" Zayn said chuckling. "Ughhh...not those again, I've had those for almost every morning now" I said still groaning. "I know, but I... don't care, so now, get your ass up!!" Zayn said pulling me up in a standing position. I got up and get ready before going downstairs. I was greeted with Niall smilling very very widely whilst pointing at the kitchen counter. Me and Zayn both look at the kitchen counter to find Louis, and Harry making out. I took Niall's and Zayn's hands and pull them out of the house and took Zayn's car key along the way out. "Here, drive" I said handing the keys to Zayn. "Sure, but where are we going?" He asked taking the keys. "Somewhere to eat" Niall said getting in the car once the door is unlocked. "Sure, I'm starving too" Zayn said agreeing. "Okay, but WHERE are we going?" I asked emphasising the word 'where'. "To a restaurant?" Niall answered questioning. "And which restaurant is that?" I asked. "The nearest restaurant? I don't know, anyone has any idea?" Zayn then said driving around not knowing where to go. "Nando's?" Niall suggested. "No, we're not going to Nando's" Zayn strongly object. "I have a place we can go" Zayn said driving in a faster speed. After about 10 minutes of driving, we stopped in front of Nando's. "Nando's?" Niall asked in confusion. "I thought you said no Nando's" I added. "You wanted Nando's, Niall?" Zayn asked looking at Niall who's in the backseat. "Yeah, f'Course" Niall answered truthfully. "Here's your stop then, oh and here's the money, it's my treat, you're fine on your own, Ni? " Zayn said handing the money over to Niall. Niall just took the money, replied with a yes and nod and then got out of the car. "What? where are we going then?" I asked as soon as Niall got out. "Somewhere" Zayn answered driving away. "Zayn..." I pleaded. "Yes, Baby?" He asked still focused on the road. "Hmph!" With that, I turned away from him. "Baby?" He called. "No, I'm ignoring until you tell me where we are going" I said with my back facing him. " to me..." He said and then I felt strong arms around me. I turn around to meet Zayn. "Zayn! focus on the road" I warned Zayn. "Road? Baby, we're here already" He simply stated. "We're....Here?" I turned to face the window and point at the woods. "Yeah" He said "C'mon" He continued and got out from the car. I get out of the car and follow Zayn who's making his way inside the woods. After a few minutes of walking, I was met with a waterfall. "'s beautiful..." I said looking around the waterfall. "Yeah, I always come here whenever I'm stressed" Zayn said sitting on the grass right beside the waterfall. "But, I'm still starving" I said pointing to my stomach. "Lucky for you, I brought some food in my pocket" He said pulling out a few snacks from his jeans and jacket pockets. "Let's eat" He invited putting the snacks down. After eating, we both were laying down on the grass and talking about the nature beauty. "The sun, something that I love, but I hate it when the sun becomes too hot like right now" I said fanning myself with my hand. "Then, take your shirt off, it would be less hot" Zayn simply stated and I followed his advise. I saw Zayn taking his shirt and jeans off after I took my shirt off. "What are you doi-" I couldn't finish my sentence when I was suddenly pushed into the waterfall. I got my head out from the water gasping for some air. "My phone!" I shouted and then quickly pull it out from my pocket and put it on the side of the waterfall. "Zayn, My phone!" I yelled out my frustration at him. "Sorry, Baby, I'll buy a new one for you, for now, let's play in the water" He said pulling me a bit to the center. He was splashing some water towards me and I paid back splashing some water towards him too. Zayn stopped splashing the water all of a sudden and started to move towards me. Closer and closer until we had only an inch that's parting our mouth for touching.

A cliffhanger!!
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