Ch. 9 - A proper date

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"Closer and closer until we had only an inch that's parting our mouth from touching"

He slid his hand onto my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I was quite shock but kissed back once I've relaxed a bit. His other hand was going from my chest up to my hair and started playing with my hair. We pulled away for needed breath and looked at each other with adoor in our eyes. "Liam, I have loved you from the day we knew each other, I have never felt this way about someone before, so, I would like to take this moment to ask you a question, Would you like to go on a date with me? Tonight?" Zayn asked with full hope in his eyes. "Yes, of course" I simply said pulling us into a kiss. He quickly kiss back and deepen the kiss by slipping his tounge inside my mouth. We pulled away looked at each other with a smile on our faces. "C'mon, let's get back home" Zayn said pulling me by my hand. We reached the bank of the waterfall river. "Now my jeans is all wet" I said getting out of the water. Zayn just giggled and picked up his trousers and slip through them. He picked up his shirt and handed mine for me to put on. Zayn led the way out and into his car. I got in and sat on the passenger seat with my wet jeans on and Zayn just look over at me and laughed.


We walked to the house with hands in one another. We break the hand holding when I was opening the door. We both got in with shock expression plastered on our faces when we saw Louis hovering over Harry. Zayn cleared his throat to indicate our presence. Those two lovebirds pulled away from the make out with blush on their cheeks. "S-sorry...." Harry said getting off of Loius from the couch. "So... what happened with your clothes, mate?" Louis asked coming closer. "We went out fo-" Zayn was answering but got cut off by Harry's question. "And where in the world is Niall? wasn't he with you?" "Shit, Niall...." Was all that Zayn could say remembering the bloke. "You left him?!" Harry asked in disbelief with Zayn's and I's behaviour. "Sorry, we forgot..." I said and made Louis laugh out of nowhere. Suddenly, we were all snapping our heads towards the door after hearing a voice saying "Dang, that was a hell of walk". It was Niall talking and heading straight to the kitchen for some water. "Sorry, Ni!" Both of me and Zayn shouted to Niall and he just said "It's fine, I'm used to being a third left behind wheel now" jokingly and all of us just broke out laughing. We all slowly make our ways to the couch except Harry who just went to turn the telly on. "So...what's up with you two?" Zayn broke the silence when Harry finally sit down. "No, no, what's up with YOU two?" Louis simply dodges the question and points at Zayn and I. "We, are, dating.." I said hesitating since I've got a clue of what their reactions will be, mostly Louis'. "You tw-" Louis started but got cut off by me pulling him into my bedroom.


"What was that for?! " Louis asked as soon as I close the bedroom door. "Nothing, but I have a date tonight with Zayn and I don't know what to wear, you think you can help me a little?" I said changing the whole subject and made Louis groan a bit. "I would help you if it was a date with someone else y'know" He simply said and made me gasp. "W-what? I thought y-you would be h-happy for us? Don't you s-support our r-relationship? You s-should support u-us? " I asked stuttering due to the shock situation I was in. "You are dating your own friend, don't you think it's a bit weird to have that kind of relationship with your best mate?" He said and made puddles of tears to form in my eyes from his reaction. "B-but, Harry? W-what bout y-you and H-Harry?" I asked still shaking. "I-it's different okay? J-just you can't date Zayn" He said and immediately leave my room. I was left in my room with teary eyes and memories of words that Louis just said. Yes, I know that Louis would be shocked, but I never in a million years expect him to stop me from dating Zayn. Should  cancel the date? Maybe Louis will cool down later. I was thinking and was truly confuse but decided to go on the date anyway.


Slowly, I look through my closet to look for a proper outfit to wear through teary eyes. I was still choosing the outfits when suddenly my door burst open and I turned my head to find Harry. "Y-yes?" I asked sniffling. "You okay, mate?" He asked coming closer to the closet. "Yea, M'fine" I said not sparing a glance to him. "Heard you and Lou had a fight" He stated whilst rubbing my back. "Is it wrong for me to like my own best mate, Haz?" I decided to shoot the question and look at him with tears in my eyes. "Wha- who said that, no of course it's not wrong, Li, even me myself like my own best mate, if it was Louis whom said that, don't worry about it, I'll talk to him aight? " He said hugging me in a comforting way. "Thank you, Harry" I said and hug him back. "Now, you need any help picking an outfit?" He asked as soon as we pull away from the hug. "Yeah" I simply said chuckling. I started to pick out shirts and trousers that I like and ask Harry which one is better until I have only a pair lasting from Harry's choice and decided the pair as my outfit for the date tonight.


" You ready?" Zayn asked as soon as I get out from my bedroom with a plain white tea-shirt ;-) and denim jacket on along with a black jeans. "Yeah, let me just put on my shoe" I said reaching for my white sneakers that I have only recently bought. "You look great, Li" Zayn complimented when we were heading out towards his car. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself" I said looking at him who has a black tee underneath his brown leather jacket and a nice pair of jeans. "I always look good" He simply said and flipped his loose strand of hair making me chuckle. "Whatever you say, big guy" I said smiling. "Oh, where are we going for this date?" I asked when I remembered that I don't know where we are heading. "Somewhere I know you'd love" He said and look at me smiling. "And where is that?" I asked again. "You'll see later, Darling" He said and I scoffed in defeat.


"We're here, Li" He said parking at a slightly dark place which makes it hard for me to make out what this place is and got me wonder Where the hell are we?!. "You'll love this place, trust me" Zayn reassures putting his hands on my back. He went to his car boot and took out a blanket with two baskets. "So, is this where our date is going to take place?" I asked as I took one of the basket. "Yeah, it's beautiful at night" He replied and held my free hand in his own free hand. "It's quite dark, don't you think there will be wild animals?" I finally decided to ask after walking for quite some time. "We're here" He announced and showed a place with fireflies flying around. "And no, I'll make sure no animals eat you before I do" He continued making me blush at his bluntness. He laid the blanket down and set the basket right on the blanket. "You know a lot of cool places" I said as I put the basket in my hand down next to the other one and sitting down. "Yeah, I used to roam around the neighbourhood and woods when I had problems" He explained whilst taking a seat next to me. "Wow, Zayn, I guess you roaming around was a great thing" I said chuckling. "Yeah, it was, I get to calm my mind as well as find beautiful places for me to take someone special to" He said turning his face to me with a smile displaying. "I love you" I said leaning towards his shoulder and rest my head on it. "As much as I'd like to stay like this, I still have one more thing to show you" He said snaking his arm around my waist. "There's more??" I asked shocked and sit back to my normal position getting out of his hold. "Yup" He replied as simple as ever and got up putting his hand out for me to take. I take his hand and get up following him to somewhere that's not far from our recent spot. "Here" He said sitting himself down and pat a spot next to him for me to sit at. I saw him lay down and I did it to and was met with fireflies flying and shining. "You see, this spot has many more fireflies at night which is one of the reasons I usually come at night" He explained pointing at the fireflies that's right above us. I was well amazed looking at the beauty so I just nod. "Liam" Zayn called in which I respond with a hum. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and of course, I said yes. Zayn then placed a soft kiss on my lips which I enjoyed. After the kiss, we decided to move the blanket from our recent spot to our current spot and enjoy the rest of our date eating and enjoying each other's company under the light of the fireflies.

Heyyaaa! Long time no write huh I guess...
Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I just had and still have a busy school thingy. But don't worry, I'll try my best to write as soon as I can.
I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I think today will be a double update. So stay tune! 💕

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